Exploring Research Course
Monday, September 11, 2023
Registrations still be accepted for ISA:1040 - Entering Research. This 1 semester hour course will provide students with the opportunity to experience a variety of science topics on campus. Tour labs, network with professors and grad students, get involved in undergraduate research. ISA:1040:0001 meets October 12th - December 7th Tues/Thurs 3:30-4:20pm.
Fund it Forward - Student Video Challenge
Wednesday, September 6, 2023
The Fund It Forward Student Video Challenge is an annual competition hosted by The Science Coalition (TSC), a nonprofit, nonpartisan group of more than 50 research universities.
Undergraduate and graduate students at TSC's member institutions are invited to create and submit videos explaining why science matters to them and remind Congress that now is the time to invest in science. Up to seven winners will receive a cash prize!
Student Travel Awards
Monday, August 21, 2023
Applications being accepted for travel awards for conferences or professional development workshop travel or other professional creative activities for undergraduates. Awards are one time only, up to $500.
Intestinal immune responses, graft-versus-host disease and the graft-versus-tumor effect
Sunday, August 20, 2023