Students who are not university of Iowa students are welcome to do research at the UI, this experience most commonly takes place during the summer. Students coming to campus for research may be exploring potential career paths and graduate programs or simply trying to get experiences not available at their institution. OUR has experience bringing students to campus for research, whether they are coming as a singular student or for a formal research program.
Formal Research Programs
Most undergraduates come to the UI campus for formal research programs occurring in the summer. The Office of Undergraduate Research works with research programs across campus to streamline this process. If you have a formal research program, or are planning to implement one, contact OUR. We help programs with:
- Housing and dining
- Creating courses and enrollment
- Stipend payments
- Programming
- Cross-program collaboration
To see formal summer research programs available at the UI, see our student-friendly info page.
National Science Foundation Research Experiences for Undergraduates
NSF REUs are funded programs that attract students to institutions across the country. Programs focus on a central theme, typically run 8-10 weeks, and pay students stipend, travel, room and board. Students are matched with research mentors and a small project. Learn more about supported disciplines and projects on the NSF website.
Benefits to students.
- Visit another university campus for the summer.
- Experience a broader range of research settings.
- Financial compensation.
- Explore new interests, graduate programs, and career options.
- Showcase distinguishing experiences on CVs and resumes.
Benefits to you, your department, and the UI.
REUs can be great recruitment tools for faculty, their departments, and the University. These programs draw students who may not have otherwise noticed a university or department.
OUR can help.
If you or your department want to consider submitting a proposal for funding as an NSF REU site, please feel free to contact us. OUR can help you get in touch with other UI REU program PIs and various other resources.
External Undergraduates
Summer programs often have a mechanism in place for onboarding students. Individual research groups usually do not. Whether it is a new project or a continuation of a summer program, contact OUR for help with:
- Admitting a student to the University (for a UID, HawkID, and UI software access);
- Enrolling a student for a research course;
- Discussing payment plans.