Congratulations to our 2024 EURA recipients!

Max EURA Award

Max Halbach

Mentor: Tom Arne Mitrød (History)

History, Education

Minor in Anthropology, Certificate in Native American Indigenous Studies

Jasmyn EURA Award

Jasmyn Hoeger

Mentor: Ryan Boudreau (Internal Medicine)


Cellular and Developmental Track

Grayson EURA Award

Grayson Talaski

Mentor: Don Anderson (Orthopedics and Rehabilitation)

Biomedical Engineering, Pre-Medicine

Minor in Chemistry

Sabrina EURA Award

Samantha Thompson

Mentor: Christopher Ahern (Molecular Physiology and Biophysics)

Biochemistry and Molecular Biology

Minor in Spanish

Sabrina EURA Award

Sabrina Vlk

Mentor: Venanzio Cichella (Mechanical Engineering)

Mechanical Engineering

Minor in Mathematics, AIMS Certificate

The Award

Each year, the Office of Undergraduate Research sponsors up to five Excellence in Undergraduate Research Awards to undergraduate students involved in research/creative work at the University of Iowa. Each EURA awardee receives:

  • A $1,000 travel scholarship to attend a professional development program or event. (This could include conference presentations, artistic performance or exhibition, summer workshop, etc.)

  • An OUR Fellowship for their choice of the upcoming summer or academic year.

  • Recognition at the Vice President for Research’s annual campus wide event.


To be considered for the Office of Undergraduate Research's EURAs, applicants must meet all of the following criteria:

  • Applicants must be second- or third-year students at the University of Iowa.
  • Applicants must be returning to the University of Iowa as an undergraduate for the upcoming academic year.
  • Applicants must complete and submit all materials in the electronic application form found in the above link by the established due date.


Applicants must submit all required materials by January 11, 2024 at 11:59 pm. The application will open November 15, 2023. The EURA Application will request the following materials:

  1. Resume or CV, to be attached as a PDF document titled CVYYYY_FirstnameLastname
  2. A 300-500-word response to the following prompt, to be attached as a PDF document titled EURAYYYY_FirstnameLastname:
    • Provide an overview of the work that you (the student) have been involved in. Please highlight the contribution of this work to your discipline of study and the role you played in the initiation or development of this work. Discuss how your involvement in this work impacted your education and career goals. Include your plans to use the award.
  3. Faculty support letter
    • Faculty are required to submit their support letter for the application to be considered. Please only submit PDF documents. Students should be prepared to attach the letter to their application.
    • Support letters should detail what qualifies the nominated student to receive this award.
  4. Optional supplemental materials, if desired.
    • Examples: Artistic portfolios (max. 12 pieces of work), videos of performances (max. 3 minutes), scholarly articles, etc.
    • Materials can be submitted online or dropped off at the OUR office in 6 Gilmore Hall. To request for the return of any physical materials, please email the OUR office.
    • If you have questions regarding optional supplemental materials, please contact the OUR office at

Read about our past EURA recipients.

award recipients group photo 2023
eura recipients 2023