Tuesday, August 15, 2023

Lead Faculty/Staff or PI

Dr. Sarah Short


Short Lab, Internal Medicine

Project details

The Short lab at the University of Iowa is investigating mechanisms important for colon cancer development, progression, and response to therapy. We investigate these processes using a number of molecular and cellular biology techniques, including fluorescent microscopy, genetically engineered mouse models, and 3D “organoid” cultures derived from mice and human patients. We are looking for undergraduate students and currently have a variety of ways to get involved in our research! 

Duties are expected to include general laboratory maintenance such as dishwashing and autoclaving, laboratory organization, and genotyping samples from genetically modified mice. Other duties will be to assist with and support ongoing scientific projects as able, depending on experience and training. We aim for these to develop in agreement with your interest, goals, time commitment, and skill level, and may include image quantification, literature review, or independently running scientific assays such as immunohistochemistry, DNA/RNA isolation, and cloning.


Science is a team activity! No experience required, but we seek students who are excited about research, willing to learn, team players, and with good attention to detail.

Time Commitment

Approximately10-20 hours per week. Timing and days are flexible, but blocks of 2-4 hours are often required for certain activities and protocols.

Volunteer (Optional registration for URES:3992, 0-credit transcript recognition)
Academic Credit (1-4 Semester Hours)

Start Date

Ongoing, potential to be a continuous position

How to apply

Please email Dr. Short at sarah-short@uiowa.edu. Please include reference to OUR post in subject line.