Wednesday, December 8, 2021

Project details
Students interested in developing a research project over time are welcome. Typically we would start with basic laboratory tasks (washing dishes, making solutions, caring for fish) and gradually add technical skills that can put the student in a position to generate data. This allows an early stage undergraduate to get experience and grow as their knowledge base expands. An interested student could also focus primarily on fish husbandry and line management if desired.


Strong interest in basic research, reliability and attention to detail are required. Meticulous note taking and record management is needed. Several of our techniques require very good fine motor control.

Time Commitment
Hours can be flexible and grow or shrink per semester based on course load. Can range from 6 to 12 hours per week.


Start Date
Spring Semester
Summer Semester

Ongoing, potential to be a continuous position

Apply By
January 10, 2022

How to Apply
Email Dr. Davis ( for details. Resume and educational plans will be helpful.