What are FURF/SURF?
FURF and SURF are bi-annual, low-stress platforms for undergraduate students to practice communicating their research, scholarly, and/or creative work to a broad audience. All undergraduate researchers are encouraged to participate. Registration to present at FURF and SURF is required, but there is no application/selection process.
What happens at FURF/SURF?
Registered students present their research using a visual aid, usually a research poster, though other mediums are acceptable. Participants stand with their visual aids for one session, giving brief explanations of their work and answering questions from passing faculty, staff, students, and community members. Students may be evaluated or receive feedback on their posters, depending on their preference. Awards are given to the top presenters. At SURF, there is an additional option of presenting in the exhibit hall. This area is ideal for students whose work is digital, 3-D, or otherwise best represented in its physical form. We have poster boards and tables available for student requesting the exhibit hall.
Who can present at these festivals?
ANY undergraduate student who is involved in research, scholarly, or creative work. Work may be done independently (as for a senior thesis, independent study project, or research practicum class) OR with a faculty mentor. Projects do not need to be “completed” at the time of the presentation. Research and discovery are never fully finished, so work in progress is welcome.
Why should I present at these festivals?
Many students use FURF and SURF as platforms for presentation practice in preparation for conferences or professional development events. As the audience is broad, this is a good venue to practice speaking effectively and articulately about research. While students have the option of being evaluated and receiving feedback, FURF and SURF are relatively laid-back, low-stress environments for presentations. Presenting at events like FURF/SURF, and winning an award, looks good on a CV or resume.
Contact Us
Office of Undergraduate Research (OUR)
6 Gilmore Hall