Tuesday, April 13, 2021

View  with abstracts

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How do listeners recognize whispered speech?
Katlyn Bay
Major: Speech and Hearing Science
Mentor: Kristi Hendrickson (Communication Sciences & Disorders)

Cochlear implantation in single sided deafness: Is there an impact?
Austen Beaird
Major: Speech and Hearing Science
Mentor: Inyong Choi (Communication Sciences and Disorders)

Universities and the Challenges of the COVID-19 Pandemic
Sarah Berkowitz 
Major: Social Justice
Mentor: Louise Seamster (Sociology)

The Effect of a Corporate Scandal on Competitors: Responses from Retail Investors
Yiming Chen
Major: Accounting
Mentor: Michael Durney (Accounting)

Effects of oxidative stress on electroretinogram in Drosophila
Quinton Christensen
Major: Neuroscience
Mentor: Chun-Fang Wu (Biology)

Water Inaccessibility in South Africa: Current Spatial Patterns & Future Impacts of Climate Change
Lindsay Cobb
Major: Global Health Studies
Mentor: Margaret Carrel (Geographical and Sustainability Sciences)

Disarmament, Demobilization, and Reintegration (DDR) Implementation Following Civil War
Abbigail Denner
Major: International Relations
Mentor: Brian Lai (Political Science)

Proxy Warfare in the Yemeni Civil War and Strategies for an Effective Peace Process
Abbigail Denner and Kaiya Luethje
Major: International Relations and International Relations; Asian Languages and Literature
Mentor: Brian Lai (Political Science)

The Role of Ethical Killing in Local Deer Management
Anj Droe
Major: Anthropology
Mentor: Scott Schnell (Anthropology )

Looking at Sex-Specific Placental Responses to Prenatal Pyrethroid Insecticide Exposure in Mice
Sam Eliasen
Major: Neuroscience
Mentor: Hanna Stevens (Psychiatry)

Neighborhood Census Tract Level Variability of Solar Energy Potential
Ganon Evans
Major: Mathematics, Economics
Mentor: Scott Spak (School of Planning and Public Affairs)

Improving the Accessibility of Dynamic Trees for Blind CS Students
Laura Flores
Major: Computer Science, English 
Mentor: Brandon Myers, Kyle Rector (Computer Science)

Analyzing Formality of the Flint Water Crisis Email Archive
Marissa Good
Major: Sociology
Mentor: Louise Seamster (Sociology)

AP-2α Modulates Metastasis of Melanoma
Benjamin Grimm
Major: Biochemistry
Mentor: Ronald Weigel (Surgery)

Is IFRS really more comparable than GAAP?
Stephanie Herzog
Major: Accounting
Mentor: Cristi Gleason (Accounting)

Modeling muscular dystrophy in Drosophila: A study of lamins and interaction partners
Ben Hinz
Major: Biomedical Engineering
Mentor: Lori Wallrath (Biochemistry)

Necroptosis in Akirin2-null neurons
Brianna Iverson
Major: Biology
Mentor: Joshua Weiner (Biology)

Development of twitching during sleep in a rat model of autism
Elizabeth Janey
Major: Psychology
Mentor: Mark Blumberg (Psychological and Brain Sciences)


Plautilla Nelli: Renaissance Painter-Prioress
Rielle Jones-Teske

Major: Art History
Mentor: Dr. Daniel Maze (Art and Art History)

The Role of Intrusive Parenting in the Relationship Between Child Behaviors and Learning Outcomes
Emma  Kenney
Major: Psychology
Mentor: Isaac Petersen (Psychological and Brain Sciences)

Confirmation Bias in Investing and Trading
Eddie Khachikian
Major: Finance
Mentor: Petra Sinagl (Finance)

Learning in the Cerebellum
Michelle Krumm
Major: Neuroscience
Mentor: John  Freeman (Psychological and Brain Sciences)

Understanding the role of the placenta between maternal stress and offspring neurodevelopment
Sreelekha Kundu
Major: Microbiology
Mentor: Hanna  Stevens (Psychiatry)

Leveraging taxation for health development: a cross-country analysis of tax revenues as a share of G
Hallie Lartius
Major: Global Health Studies
Mentor: Benjamin Solow (Economics )

Campus food pantries: exploring sustainability of student-led pantries and administrative support
Charlotte  Lenkaitis
Major: Global Health Studies; Spanish 
Mentor: Carly Nichols (Geographical and Sustainability Sciences;  Global Health Studies)

Overexpression of ATP6voa2 Does Not Impair Pancreatic Beta-cell Insulin Secretion
Ashleigh Machado
Major: Biochemistry
Mentor: Samuel Stephens (Internal Medicine)

Making Aerobic Exercise More Accessible to People with visual impairments
Mitch Majure
Major: Mathematics; Computer Science
Mentor: Kyle Rector (Computer Science)

Role of subclinical seizures in sleep-wake regulation of a mouse model of tauopathy
Molly Matkovich
Major: Mathematics   
Mentor: Gordon Buchanan (Neurology)

An Analysis on the Aggregation-Based localization of RuvBL1 and RuvBL2 in Xenopus Laevis Nucleoli
Quinn Mattison
Major: Biochemistry; Asian Languages and Literature
Mentor: Daniel Weeks (Biochemistry)

NFL Penalty Analysis
Zachary McDaniel
Major: Business Analytics
Mentor: Kristina Bigsby (Business Analytics)

Investigating the potential compensatory relationship between OPA-1 and estrogen
Madeline Moffett
Major: Human Physiology
Mentor: Rhonda Souvenir (Internal Medicine)

A New Approach: Adapting the International Physical Activity Questionnaire (IPAQ) for Daily Use
Marissa Mueller
Major: Biomedical Engineering
Mentor: Laura Frey-Law (Physical Therapy and Rehabilitation Sciences)

Designing an Alginate Gel to deliver and maintain therapeutic cells on the wound bed
Sai Meghana Palagiri
Major: Biomedical Engineering
Mentor: James Ankrum  (Biomedical Engineering)

Contributions to Geodesic Motion from Thomas-Whitehead Gravity
Eric Peters
Major: Physics
Mentor: Kenneth Heitritter (Physics)

Mice with DRP1 Depletion in Skeletal Muscle are Resistant to Age-related Weight Gain
Josh Peterson
Major: Biology; Biochemistry
Mentor: Marcelo Correia (Internal Medicine)

Museums and Virtual Internships: How Museums Have Responded to the COVID-19 Pandemic
Julia Prime
Major: Anthropology
Mentor: Heidi Lung (Museum Studies; Anthropology)

Reading Motivation in Adolescents with Hearing Loss and Typical Hearing
Emma  Rose
Major: Speech and Hearing Sciences
Mentor: Elizabeth  Walker (Communication Sciences and Disorders)

Speech perception associated with Hybrid L24 cochlear implant users
Linjie Shi
Major: Speech and hearing science; Linguistics; Psychology
Mentor: Carolyn Brown (Communication Science and Disorders)

How Does the Brain Predict Who's Speaking?
Olivia Sourwine
Major: Speech and Hearing Science
Mentor: Inyong Choi (Communication Sciences and Disorders)

Machine Learning in the Smart Home
Lucas   Spain
Major: Computer Science
Mentor: Brandon Myers (Computer Science)

Consequences of Asexual Reproduction: Behavioral Changes in Asexual Potamopyrgus antipodarum
Sydney Stork
Major: Biology
Mentor: Maurine Neiman (Biology; Gender, Women's, and Sexuality Studies)

Exploratory Analysis of Newspaper Coverage of CKDU Arsenic Hypothesis – Sri Lanka, June-July 2011
Samalya Thenuwara
Major: Human Physiology
Mentor: Michael Lovaglia (Sociology and Criminology)

Examining backsliding in Colombia's Ceasefire Agreement: Causes and Recommendations
Amelia  Thoreson; Eddy Garces
Major: International Relations, Spanish; International Relations
Mentor: Brian Lai (Political Science)

What do you remember?​ Divided attention and memory for past referents
Morgan Thorpe
Major: Speech and Hearing Science
Mentor: Si On Yoon (Communication Sciences and Disorders)

Parasite and humans produce a similar inflammatory marker
Lorena Tran
Major: Biology
Mentor: Alejandro Pezzulo (Internal Medicine)

Effective image segmentation for analyzing dendritic branching of neurons
Bhavya Vats
Major: Biomedical Engineering
Mentor: N. Charles Harata (Molecular Physiology and Biophysics)

Amygdala Cellular Subpopulation Inducing Stress Resilience
Radha  Velamuri
Major: Biomedical Sciences
Mentor: Rainbo Hultman (Molecular Physiology and Biophysics)

Hydrofacies Analysis of Ice-Marginal Sediments Using Dynamic Image (Camsizer) Methods
Zachary Vig
Major: Physics; Geosciences
Mentor: Jessica Meyer (Earth and Environment Sciences)

Modeling laminopathies in Drosophila: Comparative analysis of LMNA mutations that cause muscle and adipose disorders
Sydney Walker
Major: Biochemistry
Mentor: Margaret Ketterer (Biochemistry)

The last one to tell --- Withold infomation disclosure and happiness
Yuesihan Wang
Major: Marketing
Mentor: Bowen Ruan (Marketing )

Using White Collar Crime to Gauge Regional Perceptions of Race and Crime
Andrew Wendel
Majors: Biology; Criminology
Mentor: Marina Zaloznaya (Sociology; Criminology)

The Effect of Exercise on Blood Pressure in the Pregnant Population
Maria Werner Anderson
Major: Nursing
Mentor: Ruth Grossmann (Nursing)

“We don't talk about it" - Barriers to PrEP Uptake Among College-Enrolled MSM
Noah Wick
Major: Public Health
Mentor: Rima Afifi (Community and Behavioral Health)

Feminist Activism and the Legalization of Abortion in Argentina
Alexis Winecke
Majors: International Studies; Spanish
Mentor: Kathleen Newman (Spanish and Portuguese)

The Genealogy of Racialized Method: eGFR as Case Study
Hannah Zadeh
Major: Sociology
Mentor: Louise Seamster (Sociology)