2024 Fall Undergraduate Research Festival (FURF)

Wednesday, November 6, 2024

2025 Spring Undergraduate Research Festival

Wednesday, April 9th 

2024 SURF (Spring Undergraduate Research Festival)

SURF 2024

New this year

Exhibition space will allow students to bring in three dimensional objects from their research or creative scholarship.

Looking for Judges

Interested in helping provide feedback for presenters? We need Faculty, Graduate/Professional Students, Post-Docs, Professional Staff, and community members to serve as judges for the event.  

SURF 2024 List of Presenters and Event Program

View the program and presenters here.



2023 FURF (Fall Undergraduate Research Festival)

Thank you to all our presenters, judges, and the attendees. It was a fantastic celebration of undergraduate research.

2023 Fall Undergraduate Research Festival Presenters


Wide view of SURF 2017 mid-festival

The Office of Undergraduate Research's Fall and Spring Undergraduate Research Festivals (FURF and SURF) are held in celebration and recognition of undergraduate researchers' contributions to research, scholarly, and creative work at the University of Iowa.

All students involved in mentored research or creative work are invited to present their work at these festivals utilizing posters or other visual displays. A variety of judges from the University of Iowa community (peers, faculty, and graduate students) and the surrounding community are on hand to discuss student work and provide valuable feedback.  Every aspect of these events, from poster design to presentation, to fielding questions, is designed to help students hone research communication skills.  Watch this page, our Facebook page, or join or mailing list for updates about these events.

Are you making a poster for SURF or FURF? Learn more about creating Poster Presentations.

General Event Information  |  Information for Student Presenters  |  Information for Judges |  Previous FURF and SURF programs.