FURF 2024

Wednesday, November 6, 2024
We are no longer accepting registration to present posters. Any edits made after noon November 1st will not be reflected on the online program.

presenter will receive time assignment and poster numbers by end of the day Monday, November 4th.

Here is what presenters can expect at FURF and SURF.

Overview. FURF and SURF events run like any other poster event. Undergraduate researchers create posters that tell a story about their work, which are hung on magnetic whiteboards. Presenters stand with their posters for a portion of the event (1 hour) and discuss their work with visitors and other presenters. This is a very low-stakes environment for presenters to gain experience.

Registration. Registration begins about two months before the event. We ask for basic information (name/major/grad date, mentor, poster title, abstract, etc.). Presenters may still register even if they do not know all information upon registration. Changes to a presenter's name, mentor, title, and abstract can all be made up until noon the day before the event.

Program. FURF and SURF use only online programs. No printed versions are created. At the close of registration, presenters receive a program draft that details their presentation time, poster number, and all information they have submitted relevant to the presentation. They will then have a week to send in any changes to presentation time. Other corrections may be submitted until noon the day before the event.

Posters. Students create posters based on their research group's or their own personal preferences. The Office of Undergraduate Research (OUR) hosts poster-making workshops each semester. FURF/SURF have no requirements for poster dimensions. Posters are generally 48 inches wide by 36 inches tall. Our poster boards are 42 inches tall by 70 inches wide. Posters can be printed through a mentor's department, University Printing, or the Design Center.

Exhibit Hall. The exhibit hall is available for students who wish to bring in their physical pieces for display. Students will have a table and can request a poster board if they wish to pair their physical piece with a conference poster. Students are required to bring any needed materials to present or run their exhibit (e.g. display stands, extension cords, laptops). 

Pre-Event. Presenters must print their own posters and bring them for their assigned session. There is time built in between sessions for students to take down and put up their posters. Magnets are provided and must be returned to the poster board after use. 

Event Arrival. Please show up 10 minutes prior to your presentation time to hang up your poster. 5 minutes will be sufficient to hang your poster. Please check your assigned poster board for your name tag. NOTE: It is okay for presenters to show up late. It happens. Your presentation hour is yours to use.

Presenting. At their assigned time, presenters stand with their posters. Visitors, other presenters, photographers, and evaluators (optional) will stop to speak with presenters about their work. Remember, this is a conversational interaction. OUR recommends preparing a 30 second to 1 minute explanation of your work, including the importance of your project, why you chose your topic, how it contributes to the field, and any other take-home points. Then, allow visitors to ask questions. You can estimate their level of knowledge on the topic as well as their interest and let the conversation flow from there. 

When presenting, keep this in mind:

  1. OUR's goal is to provide you with a venue to tell your research, creative, or performance story in a succinct, yet dynamic manner, to a diverse audience.  
  2. Your goal as a presenter is to create a compelling narrative about your work.
    • Your visuals and story do not need to be fancy or complicated to be effective. 
    • By translating complex/technical research into accessible language, you can better inform, educate, and inspire any audience.
  3. FURF and SURF audiences are not discipline specific. Give visitors a short, relatable story about your work and why it is important.
    • Aim for a brief (~1 minute) overview in language appropriate for a general audience. You can always get more specific later.
    • Emphasize the point(s) you want them to remember.  
    • You want to invite a conversation. Try to gauge interest and knowledge levels through their questions. 
    •  Be relatable, consider questions the audience might have: Why should I care about your work?  Does your work impact my life?  Why is it interesting and important to your field?

Session Switches. At the end of the first session, posters need to be removed by the presenter so the next presenter may hang theirs up. Presenters from later sessions are welcome to store their posters on the floor under their assigned board until use. There is limited time between sessions, so we do ask that everyone is prompt in their removal of their poster. Presenters are responsible for their posters and their removal. OUR is not responsible for any posters left at the end of the event.  NOTE: Presenters are able to leave their presentation time early if necessary, just be sure to take your poster with you.