Poster presentations are a common method of research communication. Presenters use their posters to back-up short, engaged discussions about their research. Poster events are usually large in scale, with many people presenting at the same time. Presenters may even leave their posters to visit other presenters.

Poster Design

  • Standard size of posters are 3ft tall x 4ft wide - If using PowerPoint select 4:3 Ratio for Slide Size.
  • Downloadable templates
  • Check within your lab to see if anyone has a poster presentation template.

Poster Printing

  • Check with your PI/Mentor to see if you can use a larger format printer in your department
  • There are two services on that offer poster printing


There are an overwhelming number of helpful resources regarding poster presentations. The resources linked here offer good information to start with.

OUR's Poster Presentation Intro (PowerPoint Slides with in-depth Notes)
OUR'S Poster Presentation Intro (Summer 2022 Zoom recording, first few slides cut off, ~23 min long)

Design Center's "Creating Effective Posters" 
Guide to Poster Design and available video

Iowa Sciences Academy Poster Tip Sheet
Quick and easy basic tip sheet plus other helpful resources. Logos available to download. 
Helpful to anyone, though specific to ISA and STEM students.

A Better Poster: Part 1
A Better Poster: Part 2
The "Poster Revolution" is underway. Watch these videos that changed the way we think about posters.

University of Iowa Brand Manual 
(UI-Suggested Poster and PowerPoint Templates)