EURA Nomination Process Closed

Nomination Deadline:  January 3, 2025

Beginning in 2006, the Office of Undergraduate Research and the Office of the Vice President for Research sponsor up to five Excellence in Undergraduate Research Awards.  These awards recognize outstanding accomplishments in scholarly investigation, artistic creation, or performance by an undergraduate student. EURA awardees receive an OUR Fellowship for their choice of the upcoming summer or academic year, a travel scholarship, and campus-wide recognition.

Congratulations to our 2024 EURA recipients!

Max EURA Award

Max Halbach

Mentor: Tom Arne Mitrød (History)

History, Education

Minor in Anthropology, Certificate in Native American Indigenous Studies

Jasmyn EURA Award

Jasmyn Hoeger

Mentor: Ryan Boudreau (Internal Medicine)


Cellular and Developmental Track

Grayson EURA Award

Grayson Talaski

Mentor: Don Anderson (Orthopedics and Rehabilitation)

Biomedical Engineering, Pre-Medicine

Minor in Chemistry

Sabrina EURA Award

Samantha Thompson

Mentor: Christopher Ahern (Molecular Physiology and Biophysics)

Biochemistry and Molecular Biology

Minor in Spanish

Sabrina EURA Award

Sabrina Vlk

Mentor: Venanzio Cichella (Mechanical Engineering)

Mechanical Engineering

Minor in Mathematics, AIMS Certificate