Thursday, February 29, 2024

PI:  Maurine Neiman

Project Position and Details
The Neiman lab is using ecological stoichiometry to study the evolution of genome architecture in a freshwater New Zealand snail,  Potamopyrgus antipodarum, that features unique natural genomic variation. We are addressing whether this variation could be linked to differential sensitivity to nutrient limitation, with the prediction that snails with larger genomes will need more of the elements used to build genomes to be healthy. Most of the research you will conduct will be processing samples for elemental analysis via mass spectrometry, but there is the possibility that you will also contribute to diet manipulation experiments. 

Research assistants (aka you) are invited to participate in: 

  • Preparing algae and snail samples for mass spectrometry
    • We will teach you how to perform acid digestion and how to use a microwave digestion system.
    • Running samples on an inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometer.
  • Aquatic animal care
    • Replenishing water
    • Cleaning cups
    • Feeding snails cultured algae
  • Basic experimental ecological lab techniques
    • Measuring snails with calipers
    • Identifying sex of a snail

This position would be perfect for anyone with an interest in evolution, ecology, and/or chemistry. Please do not be intimidated by the potential duties above - we are more than happy to teach you! There are also many other interesting projects underway in the Neiman lab, so please reach out to us if you are generally intrigued by our research but want to know about other opportunities.

Minimum 3.0 GPA

Time Commitment
15-20 hours/week of work for 10 weeks


Start Date
Summer Semester

Ongoing, Potential to be a continuous position.

Application Instructions 
Email Briante Najev,