Natalie Kehrli

OUR Ambassador
Major: Psychology
Mentor: Dr. Amanda McCleery

I currently work in the Mechanisms of Adult and Youth Psychopathology Lab (MAYPL) run by Dr. Amanda McCleery in the Psychological and Brain Sciences Department. Within the lab, we use a multimethod approach to identify and understand predictors of functional outcome in schizophrenia-spectrum conditions within a lifespan developmental framework. More specifically, my work in the lab is focused on physical activity as an adjunct intervention to support individuals with schizophrenia, and how GPS-Derived Mobility Indices associate with physical activity. 

I enjoy my work in the lab as when I first began college, I had not the slightest idea as to how to get involved with research. I am a first-generation student from a very small, rural town in Iowa, where pursuing a career in research is not all too common! However, upon connection with the Iowa Sciences Academy, I was able to receive funding and mentorship in order to kickstart my research work. I eventually found my way to Dr. McCleery's lab, and I am so thankful to work with such an amazing mentor, supportive graduate students, and driven fellow undergraduate students.

What you enjoy doing outside of research: Outside of research, I enjoy advocating for disability rights in student government and within the Iowa Legislature, volunteering, reading, and watching plenty of movies!