Please note that the OUR Fellowship Application process has changed.
We have moved the application portal to the University Workflow system.
To help with the transition we have provided step-by-step instructions (see below) and a downloadable sample copy of the application.
sample copy of Fellowship application
Summer Fellowship Deadline: 3/28/25 | Full Academic Year Fellowship Deadline: 4/11/25
Application Instructions
Applicants will need to be prepared to answer the following questions. Responses may be prepared in advance to be copied and pasted into the Workflow form. Please note that the Workflow form will allow you to search for mentor, co-mentor and student names.
- Contact information for mentor(s), co-mentor(s) and student (as well as anticipated grad date)
- Funding term requested. Summer, Fall, Spring, or Academic Year funding.
- Project title and description (prepared by both mentor and student). Summary title for a general audience.
- Student Involvement (prepared by both mentor and student). 300 word max.
- Mentor Commitment (prepared by mentor only). 200 word max.
- Student Statement (prepared by student only). 300 word max.

Student Involvement
Projects that strongly involve the student in all stages of the project (planning/design, execution, analysis, presentation) are preferred.
Consider including the following points:
- What work/tasks will the student perform?
- What is the anticipated timeline for this project?
- Who will train the student?
- How often will the student meet with the mentor?
- What opportunities will the student have to interact meet with collaborators or other personnel?
- Will the student share their work at an OUR research festival?

Mentor Commitment
Primary mentor's mentoring philosophy and history and their reasons for choosing this student for this project.
Successful statements will answer:
- What is your goal in mentoring undergraduates? If applicable, what have your historic goals for undergraduates been?
- How long have you been working with this student?
- How does this project fit your student’s needs (academic, career, and personal goals), interests, and skillsets?
- Are there other reasons that you selected this student for this project?

Student Statement
Student should write this section and provide the text to their mentor for submission on the application.
Your reasoning and understanding for being involved in the project. This may include:
- What about this project captures your interest?
- Why did you choose to work with this mentor?
- How does this project fit with or help you obtain your career, academic, and personal goals?