The Office of Undergraduate Research proudly presents 2024 EURA Winner Sam Thompson
Samantha Thompson currently studies Biochemistry and Molecular Biology as a junior at the University of Iowa. In addition, she is working toward a Spanish Minor and is busy collaborating with her mentor. Her mentor, Professor Christopher Ahern, specializes in Molecular Physiology and Biophysics while facilitating Thompson's research endeavors.
Briefly describe your current project.
I am working to create drugs that target sodium channels in the heart. I test these drugs in cells to determine their effect and the workings of these sodium channels to understand and potentially treat cardiac arrythmias.
What do you enjoy most about research?
I most enjoy the flexibility of research. You're able to problem solve and think on your feet, allowing you to learn a lot from experiments and take them in directions you hadn't previously considered.
Outside of research and academics...
I enjoy hiking, baking, reading, cross-stitching, and playing tennis!
She has major plans after graduation.
I am planning to attend graduate school and pursue a Ph.D. in pharmacology or a related field.
Thank you for your contributions to our research community!