Undergraduate Research and Creative Work Fund

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Your financial gift provides support to undergraduates who are involved in research and creative scholarship at the University of Iowa. 

Engagement in research and creative work as an undergraduate student is an incredibly formative experience. The Office of Undergraduate Research helps students from all disciplines – from art to engineering, music to chemistry – connect with research and creative projects on campus.  Our undergraduate researchers get to collaborate with faculty, staff, and other students to understand and solve problems, both in and across their fields of study.

“My involvement in research has taught me not to fear mistakes, but rather to approach them with a positive mindset in order to build and learn from them. I've also gained a greater appreciation for science by conducting biological processes and watching them occur in real time, rather than simply reading about them in a textbook. Due to this, my overall comprehension of science material and confidence have reached new depths in ways that couldn't happen by simply attending class.” 
        -Class of 2019 undergraduate researcher

The University of Iowa’s undergraduates are a vital part of our research and creative community.  When asked why it is important to support undergraduate opportunities for students, faculty routinely say:

  • “[Getting involved in research] can change students' lives by introducing them to new career paths.”
  • “Students bring energy, creativity, enthusiasm, and new perspectives to research, which helps [us] to make new discoveries”
  • “Working with students in research is one way to help foster the next generation of scientists, scholars, and professionals.”

Our students feel equally as positive about working with faculty.

“[My mentor] isn’t just educating students on how to conduct research. He’s creating researchers. This past year, I’ve grown much as a student and a researcher and, like [other undergraduate students], I owe it to [him]." 
         -Class of 2020 undergraduate researcher

"Working with [my mentor] has given me more confidence to seek grants, exhibitions, and other occasions where I can apply to enhance my career. Because of her belief in me, I feel more excited about the possibilities that await me after I graduate."
         -Class of 2018 undergraduate researcher

Common examples of support include:

  • Research Fellowships - $3,000 supports one undergraduate student for one summer or $2,500 for the academic year.
  • Travel Awards - $500 provides support for one undergraduate student to present their work at a domestic or international conference in their field
  • Excellence in Undergraduate Research Awards Fund - $100-$500 supports recognition of undergraduates pursuing outstanding research or creative scholarship