4:00 Presenters

1.  Adrian Acosta
Majors: Physics, Economics
Mentor: Dr. Zachary Girazian (Physics and Astronomy)

Visualizing Mars’s Ionosphere response to a Changing Solar Flux

3.  Jessica Bednar
Major: Speech and Hearing Sciences
Mentor: Dr. Stewart McCauley (Communication Sciences and Disorders)

Modeling Semantic Networks in Pediatric Cochlear Implant Recipients

7.  Nicole Boodhoo
Major: Biomedical Sciences
Minor: Global Public Health

Mentor: Dr. Gordon Buchanan (Neurology)

Examination of a role for corticosterone in seizure-induced death in an amygdala kindled mouse model of epilepsy

9.  Allison Buerschen
Major: Communication Sciences and Disorders
Minors: American Sign Language, Disability Studies
Mentor: Dr. Elizabeth Walker (Communication Sciences and Disorders)

Readability and Quality of Pediatric Diagnostic Audiology Reports

13.  Jatin Dhamrait
Major: Biomedical Engineering
Minor: Premed Track
Mentor: Dr. Joseph Reinhardt (Biomedical Engineering)

Association of Airway Geometry with Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disorder

15.  Ben Eastman
Major: 3D Design
Minor: French
Mentor: Monica Correia (3D Design)

Exploring Form with Soft Materials

17.  Brian Fisher
Major: Public Health
Minor: Statistics
Mentors: Drs. Hui Wang, Hans Joachim-Lemhler (Occupational and Environmental Health)

Determination of Lipid Content of Tissue in PCB-exposed Germ Free and Conventional Mice

19. Bailey Goldberg
Major: Biology
Minor: Environmental Science
Mentor: Dr. Andrew Forbes (Biology)

Understanding the Diversity of Species within the Genus Torymus

21.  Lauren Groenenboom
Majors: Human Physiology, Enterprise Leadership
Minor: Chemistry
Mentors: Kevin Hunter, Dr. Nicole Becker (Chemistry)

A qualitative analysis of undergraduate students’ explanations and predictions for organic reaction mechanisms

23.  Emma Grunkemeyer
Major: Human Physiology
Minors: Microbiology, Chemistry
Mentor: Dr. Jan Fassler (Biology)

Identification of Genes Affecting Fermentation in S. cerevisiae

25.  Megan Grunst
Major: Biomedical Engineering
Mentor: Dr. Jason Wilken (Physical Therapy and Rehabilitation Science)

Effect of an Integrated Physical Therapy Rehabilitation Program and Carbon Fiber Ankle Foot Orthosis on Mobility and Pain

27.  Vivien Harrell
Major: Speech and Hearing Science
Minor: Spanish
Mentor: Dr. Elizabeth Walker (Communication Sciences and Disorders)

Reading Comprehension of Adolescents who are Hard of Hearing   

29. Ciara Harrington
Major: Psychology
Minor: Spanish
Mentor: Dr. Bengi Baran (Psychological and Brain Sciences)

Effects of Mood symptoms on sleep dependent emotional processes

31.  Felipe Herrmann
Major: Psychology
Minor: Human Relations
Mentor: Dr. Emily Thomas (Psychological and Brain Sciences)

The Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Educator Mental Health

33.  Emily Herum
Majors: Biochemistry, Music
Mentor: Dr. Madeline Shea (Biochemistry and Molecular Biology)

Dysfunctions of Pathogenic Mutants of the Essential Calcium Sensor Calmodulin

35.  Adelaine Horan
Majors: Music Education, Clarinet Performance
Minor: Certificate in Nonprofit Leadership and Philanthropy
Mentor: Dr. Adam Harry (Music)

Critical Analysis of Racial and Cultural Representation in Beginning Band Method Books

37.  Emily Huber
Major: Psychology
Mentor: Dr. Isaac Petersen (Psychological and Brain Sciences)

Neural correlates of anxiety in young children: A literature review

39.  Brianna Iverson
Major: Biology
Minor: Public Health
Mentor: Dr. Joshua Weiner (Biology)

Identifying critical roles for Akirin2 in astrocytes 

41.  Ashleigh Jacobs

Major: Neurobiology
Minor: Environmental Science
Mentor: Dr. Daniel Eberl (Biology)

Role of Ion Transporters in Drosophila Mechanosensory Support Cells

43.  Andrew Janni
Majors: Accounting, Economics
Minor: Informatics
Mentor: Dr. Hennadige Thenuwara (Economics)

Ethical Frameworks for Portfolio Management and Resilience

45.  Emma Jewell
Majors: Communications, German
Minors: English, Certificate in Trauma and Resilience Informed Perspectives
Mentor: Dr. Waltraud Maierhofer (German, Global Health Studies)

Representations of Abortion in Media, Literature, and Film Across Germany and America

47.  David Keffala-Gerhard
Majors: Biology, Philosophy, Ethics & Public Policy
Minors: Chemistry, Spanish, Music
Mentor: Dr. Alexander Bassuk (Pediatrics)

Naltrexone, a mu-opioid receptor antagonist, decreases neuroinflammation and prevents post-traumatic epilepsy

49.  David Kim
Major: Neuroscience
Minor: Pre-medical Track
Mentor: Dr. Catherine Marcinkiewcz (Neuroscience and Pharmacology)

Structural remodeling of serotonin pathways in the brain after chronic alcohol use.

51. Hanna Konavaluk
Major: Geosciences
Minor: Asian Languages and Literature (Chinese)
Mentor:  Kenny Horkley (Earth and Environmental Sciences)

Comparison between geochronologic and geochemical provenance models for Cretaceous sedimentary rocks in Southwestern Montana

53.  Hannah Krug
Major: Speech and Hearing Science
Minor: Psychology
Mentor: Dr. Si On Yoon (Communication Sciences and Disorders)

Sensitivity to the Historical Discourse Context in Individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorder

55. Zoe Leone
Major: Environmental Sciences
Minor: Biology
Mentor: Dr. Heather Sander (Geographical and Sustainability Sciences)

Relationships between sex ratio and habitat fragmentation in urban white-footed mice (Peromyscus leucopus)

57. Haley Lightfoot 
Major: Chemistry
Minor: Environmental Sciences
Mentor: Tori Forbes (Chemistry)

Exploring the Synthesis and Formation of Extended Uranyl Solid Materials Through a Mild Temperature Flux Reaction

59.  Courtney Maire
Majors: Leadership Management
Minors: Chemistry, Human Physiology
Mentor: Dr. Barry London (Internal Medicine)

Putative Cardiomyopathy Mutation in Muscle Segment Homeobox 1 (MSX1) Reduces Binding with T-box Transcription Factors TBX3 and TBX5.

61.  Shivani Manikandan
Major: Biochemistry
Minor: Statistics
Mentor: Dr. Christopher Ahern (Molecular Physiology and Biophysics)

An Investigation of the Metabotropic Glutamate Receptor 8 Binding Site.

63.  Suzanne Mason
Major: Neuroscience
Minor: Informatics
Mentor: Dr. Catherine Marcinkiewcz (Neuroscience and Pharmacology)

Effects of Viral Vector-mediated P301L-tau Overexpression on Mouse Sleep State

65.  Nate Massa
Major: Chemical Engineering
Minors: Math, Chemistry, Computer Science
Mentor: Dr. Charles Stanier (Chemical and Biochemical Engineering)

Residence Time Distribution in an Oxidation Flow Reactor

67.  Molly Matkovich
Major: Mathematics
Minor: Art History
Mentor: Dr. Gordon Buchanan (Neurology)

The effect of pharmaceutical interventions on epileptic activity and vigilance states in a mouse model of tauopathy

69.  Kelly McDonough
Major: Speech and Hearing Sciences
Minor: Psychology
Mentor: Dr. Si On Yoon (Communication Sciences and Disorders)

Memory for conversation between friends and strangers

71.  Susanna Metcalf
Major: Psychology
Mentor: Dr. Katherine Hadlandsmyth (Anesthesia)

Rural Women Veterans with Chronic Pain  

73.  Camila Morales
Major: Communication Science and Disorders
Minors: Psychology, Social Work
Mentor: Dr. Bob McMurray (Psychological and Brain Sciences)

Lexical Competition in Second Language Learners: the effect of a carrier sentence

75.  Siddharth Nandanwar
Major: Physics
Minor: Mathematics
Mentor: Dr. Thomas Folland (Physics & Astronomy)

Fabrication and Characterization of 2D materials in the Visible and NIR spectrum with an investigation into strong light-matter coupling due to generation of spin-defects in hBN

77.  Mitch O'Meara
Major: Human Physiology
Minor: American Sign Language

Mentor: Dr. Jacob Michaelson (Psychiatry)

Childhood Behavior as an Indicator of Primary Educational Performance

79.  Hannah O’Donnell
Major: Speech and Hearing Science
Minors: Psychology, Disabilities Studies Certificate
Mentor: Dr. Kristi Hendrickson (Communication Sciences and Disorders)

Implications of Word Length on Single-Word Reading

81.  Emma Peters
Major: Speech and Hearing Science
Minor: Psychology
Mentor: Dr. Jean Gordon (Communication Sciences and Disorders)

“How do individuals with aphasia cope with grammar?”

83.  Delaney Pietzsch
Major: Public Health
Minors: Global Health Studies, Human Relations
Mentor: Dr. Sato Ashida (Community and Behavioral Health)

Experiences of Persons with Dementia and their Caregivers During the COVID-19 Pandemic

85.  Jeremiah Poppen
Major: Interdepartmental Studies - Health Science
Mentor: Dr. Erica Teixeira (Operative Dentistry)

Properties of an Adhesive System Loaded with Boron-Nitride Nanosheets

87.  Marisa Rethman
Major: German, Accounting
Mentor: Dr. Kirsten Kumpf Baele (German)

Anne Frank & The Local Story: Growing With & Learning From Our Jewish Community

89.  Graham Sandersfeld
Major: Environmental Policy and Planning
Minor: Certificate in Sustainability
Mentor: Dr. Heather Sander (Geographical and Sustainability Sciences)

Impacts of the 2020 Midwest Derecho on Cedar Rapids Street Trees

91.  Kris Symanski
Major: Geoscience
Minor: Environmental Science
Mentor: Dr. Jessica Meyer (Earth and Environmental Science)

Quantifying Changes in Lateral and Vertical Hydraulic Gradients for a Shallow Quaternary Aquifer Undergoing Land Use Changes

93.  Johanna Theeler
Major: Biomedical Engineering
Mentor: Dr. Yusung Kim (Radiation Oncology)

Systematic Review on the Use of Artificial Intelligence in Brachytherapy

95. Anna Thomas
Major: Accounting
Minor: International Business Certificate
Mentor: Dr. Michael Durney (Accounting)

The Determinants for Private Companies to Amortize Goodwill

97.  Dane Tow
Major: Biomedical Science
Minor: Certificate in Clinical and Translational Science
Mentor: Dr. Po Hien Ear (Surgery)

A genetically encoded sensor for studying serotonin metabolism in neuroendocrine cancer

99.  Trevor Viohl
Major: Neuroscience
Minor: Human Physiology
Mentor: Dr.Aaron Boes (Neurology, Pediatrics)

Uncovering the Neural Correlates of Executive Function  

101.  Rachael Volkman
Major: Neuroscience, Art, Chemistry
Mentor: Austin Bruce, Dr. Kumar Narayanan (Neurology)

6-OHDA mediated dopamine-depletion disrupts temporal encoding in striatal circuits

103.  Natalia Weinzierl
Major: Human Physiology
Mentor: Dr. Erin Talbert (Health and Human Physiology)

In Vitro Stability of Ghrelin

105.  Anna Zinselmeier
Majors: Marketing, Business Analytics and Information Systems
Minor: Communication Studies
Mentor: Dr. Andrea Luangrath (Marketing)

Using Textual Analysis to Predict Loan Default

5:00 PM Presenters 

2.  Sarah Akhras
Majors: Computer Engineering, Psychology
Mentor: Drs. Amanda McCleery, Dorit Kliemann (Psychological and Brain Sciences)

Social Cognition in College Students: Associations with Schizotypal Characteristics and Socio-Emotional Functioning

4.  Amanda Barrett
Major: Psychology, Spanish
Mentor: Dr. Isaac Petersen (Department of Psychological and Brain Sciences)

The Association Between Economic Disadvantage And Children’s Externalizing Behavior Problems: Investigating Inhibitory Control As A Potential Moderator

6. Isaac Bills
Major: Sociology
Minor: Political Science
Mentor: Dr. Freda Lynn (Sociology)

Political Beliefs, Networks, and Psychological Welfare: The Consequences of Macro-Level Job Loss in Waterloo, Iowa

8.  Joshua Brown
Major: Public Health
Minor: Music
Mentor: Amanda Bullert, Dr. Hans-Joachim Lehmler (Occupational and Evnironmental Health)

Identifying Neurodevelopmental Impacts of PCB Exposure During Adolescence: Preliminary Findings and the Path Forward

10. Susanne Byrd
Major: Physics, Astronomy
Mentor: Dr. Zachary Girazian (Physics and Astronomy)

Characterizing the Induced Magnetic Fields of Mars Upper Atmosphere

12.  Jason Chen
Major: Biomedical Sciences
Mentor: Dr. Eric Weatherford (Internal Medicine)

IRS1 is dispensable for cardiac fibroblast activation and recovery after cardiac injury

14.  Mollie Chez
Major: Nursing
Minor: Physical Health & Nutrition
Mentor: Dr. Catherine Cherwin (Nursing)

Nutritional Interventions for Cancer-Related Fatigue

16.  Austin Cook
Major: Biomedical Engineering
Minors: Human Physiology, Math
Mentor: Dr. James Byrne (Radiation Oncology, Biomedical Engineering)

Copolymeric Matrices in Intratumoral Drug Delivery Systems: A Mechanical Analysis

18.  William Dong
Major: Biomedical Engineering
Mentor: Drs. Kanchna Ramchandran (Internal Medicine), Vincent Magnotta (Radiology)

Safety Testing of a Breast Biopsy Clip in a High-Resolution Neuroimaging Environment 

20.  Alessandra Dutra
Major: Global Health Studies
Mentor: Drs. Elizabeth Heineman (History), Sokhieng Au (Global Health Studies)

Comparing the Experience of German and French Sex Workers from 2000-2020

22.  Jordan Ewald
Major: Biomedical Engineering
Minor: Chemistry, Certificate in Clinical and Translational Science
Mentor: Drs. Claudia Robles Plannels (Holden Comprehensive Cancer Center), Melissa Fath (Free Radical and Radiation Biology)

212Pb Targeted Alpha Therapies in Neuroendocrine Tumors

24.  Elise Femino
Majors: Microbiology, Italian
Mentor: Dr. Mitchell Coleman (Department of Orthopedics and Rehabilitation)

Oxygen Tension is Critical for Oxidative Stress in Articular Chondrocytes in Response to Injury

26.  Lauren Fergus
Majors: Biomedical Sciences, Microbiology
Minor: Certificate in Clinical and Translational Sciences
Mentor: Monica Hall, Dr. Carla Nester (Pediatrics)

Pregnancy Outcomes in C3 Glomerulopathy

28.  Hope Fury
Major: Biomedical Sciences
Minors: Spanish, Clinical & Translational Sciences
Mentor: Dr. Nedim Ince (Internal Medicine)

Regulatory T Cells Require the Transcription Factor GATA3 for Optimal Suppression of Graft-versus-Host Disease

30.  Maunika Gandhamaneni
Major: Chemical Engineering
Mentor: Dr. Daniel Weeks (Biochemistry and Molecular Biology)

Identification of Protein Features That Direct Compartmentalization in the Nucleolus 

32.  Will Golay
Majors: Astronomy, Physics
Minor: Mathematics
Mentor: Drs. Robert Mutel, Caroline Roberts (Physics and Astronomy)

A search for thermal gyrosynchrotron emission from hot stellar coronae

34.  Bryan Guevara
Major: Biology
Minor: Environmental Science
Mentor: Dr. Maurine Nieman (Biology)

Identifying the genetic basis of a rare sinistral phenotype in a right-coiling snai

36.  David Hebrink
Major: Environmental Science
Minors: Geographic Information Science, Business
Mentor: Dr. Rebecca Kauten (Geographical and Sustainability Sciences)

Milford Creek Urban Pollutant Point and Nonpoint Source Analysis: A Comparative Retrospect

38.  Allyson Herman
Major: Business Analytics and Information Systems
Minors: Sport and Recreation Management, Certificate in Interscholastic Athletic Administration
Mentor: Dr. Kristina Bigsby (Business Analytics)

The Relationship Between Socioeconomic Status, Swimming Lesson Access, and Drowning Rates in the Midwest

40.  Bailey Hollis
Major: Human Physiology
Minor: Pre-Med Track
Mentor: Dr. Li-Chun (Queena) Lin (Iowa NeuroBank Core)

Possible Neurodegenerative Impact of SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19) on the Human Brain 

42.  Allysa Jones
Major: Neuroscience
Mentor: Dr. Gordon Buchanan (Neurology)

Effect of serotonergic activation in the DRN on maximal electroshock seizure survival

44.  Jivan Koneru
Major: Biology

Mentor: Dr. Renata Pereira (Internal Medicine)

The protein kinase R (PKR)-like endoplasmic reticulum kinase (PERK) is required for thermogenic activation of brown adipocytes.

46.  Sreelekha Kundu
Major: Microbiology
Minor: Sociology
Mentor: Dr. Hanna Stevens (Psychiatry)

Vines of Love, Connecting the Lab Bench to the Community

48.  Quinn Mattison
Major: Biochemistry
Mentor: Dr. Daniel Weeks (Biochemistry and Molecular Biology)

The localization and activity of the RuvB complex formed by RuvBL1 and RuvBL2 in the Xenopus laevis nucleus

50.  Hailey McCoy-Munger
Major: Biomedical Engineering
Mentor: Dr. Lori Wallrath (Biochemistry)

A Fruit Fly Model of the Rare Vision Disorder Retinitis Pigmentosa

52.  Tristan McMillan
Majors: Physics, Chemistry
Mentor: Dr. Thomas Folland (Physics and Astronomy)

Development and Application of an Infrared Microscope to Determine Temperature Dependent Properties of Materials

54.  Manisha Modukuri
Major: Psychology
Minors: Human Relations, Social Justice
Mentor: Benji Baran (Psychological and Brain Sciences)

Can poor sleep quality lead to increased psychiatric risk of higher depressive symptoms, anxiety symptoms, and increased emotional eating? 

56.  Jolee Mohr
Major: Civil Engineering
Minor: Certificate in Sustainability
Mentor: Dr. Robert Bork (Art and Art History)

Producing laser-based graphics of Reims and Metz Cathedrals

58.  Alexis Oppman
Major: Biomedical Sciences
Mentor: Dr. Chad Grueter (Internal Medicine)

Investigating the Therapeutic Potential of Cdk8 Small Molecule Inhibitors to Prevent Pathological Cardiac Remodeling and Heart Failure

60.  Maddie Pallardy
Major: Management
Mentor: Dr. Eean Crawford (Management and Entrepreneurship)

Relationship Quality and Conflict Management

62.  Isa Perales
Major: Biochemistry
Mentor: Dr. Pam Geyer (Biochemistry and Molecular Biology)

Structural changes in centrosomes correlate with activation of a checkpoint that triggers germline stem cell loss

64.  Olivia Peters
Major: Human Physiology
Minor: Art
Mentor: Dr. Mark Santillan (Obstetrics and Gynecology)

Machine Learning Predicting Poor Pregnancy Outcomes

66.  Josh Peterson
Majors: Biology, Biochemistry
Minor: Chemistry
Mentor: Dr. Marcelo Correia (Internal Medicine)

ER-stress inhibition protects C57 mice from high fat diet-induced weight gain.

68.  Cade Rahlf
Major: Biochemistry
Mentor: Dr. Madeline Shea (Biochemistry)

Calmodulin Binds Conserved Motifs in Fibroblast Growth Factor Homologous Factors

70.  Ashley Rhodes
Major: Biomedical Engineering , Human Physiology and Pre- Law
Mentors: Emily Witt (Radiation Oncology), Dr. James Byrne (Radiation Oncology, Biomedical Engineering)

Dissolution Kinetics of Solid Gas Entrapment Materials

72.  Mackenzie Richardson
Major: Biomedical Engineering
Minor: Math
Mentor: Dr. James Byrne (Radiation Oncology, Biomedical Engineering)

Establishing Electrical Signals of Tumor vs Healthy Tissue Using a Potentiostat

74.  Dalton Rippey
Major: Chemistry, Sociology
Mentor: Leah Scharlott, Dr. Nicole Becker (Chemistry)

Phenomena-Based Learning in College Chemistry: Doing to Understand vs Doing to Do

76.  Taylor Saluri
Major: Nursing
Minor: Physical Activity and Nutrition Sciences
Mentor: Drs. Ruth Grossman, Theresa Bechtel (Nursing)

Undergraduate Nursing Education: Impact of Poverty Simulated Experiences on Increasing Nursing Students’ Empathy and Awareness

78.  Emma Schopen
Major: Environmental Science
Minor: Geographic Information Science
Mentor: Dr. Elizabeth Stone (Chemistry)

Tracking the Spatial Distribution and Variability of Pollen Concentrations in Eastern Iowa using Passive Samplers

80.  Katie Sheehan
Major: Medical Laboratory Science
Mentor: Dr. Luke Wiley (Ophthalmology and Visual Sciences)

Characterization of a novel Pde6b-deficient rat model of retinal degeneration and treatment with cGMP-grade AAV vectors.

82.  Abbi Shekleton
Major: Speech and Hearing Science
Mentor: Dr. Si On Yoon (Communication Sciences and Disorders)

Sensitivity to the discourse history in older adults: Evidence of lexical differentiation

84.  Bhavana Sirimalle
Major: Microbiology
Minor: Medical Anthropology \
Mentor: Dr. Toshihiro  Kitamoto (Anesthesia)

Suppression of seizures in fruit flies by genetically modified innate immune cells

86.  Clara Stuedemann
Major: Chemistry
Mentor: Dr. Celymar Ortiz de Leon, Leonard  MacGillivray (Chemistry)

Nutraceuticals as Templates for Photoreactions in the Solid State

88.  Emma Tews
Major: Nursing
Minors: French, Dance
Mentor: Melinda Myers (Dance), Dr. Catherine Cherwin (Nursing)

Combatting Anxiety-- Adaptive Movement for College of Nursing Students

90.  Amelia Thoreson
Majors: International Relations, Spanish
Minors: Latino/a/x Studies, Political Science
Mentor: Dr. Brian Lai (Political Science)

How Implementation of rebel preferred agreements in peace agreements influence post war peace?

92.  Chloe Torrence
Majors: Management, Marketing
Mentor: Dr. Jennifer Nahrgang (Management)

Effects of Perceptions of Remote Work and Well-Being

94.  Alexander Tyndall
Major: Accounting
Minor: Psychology
Mentor: Dr. Jaron Wilde (Accounting)

An Analysis on the proposals surrounding the Corporate Tax Rate

96.  Radha Velamuri
Major: Biomedical Sciences
Minor: Certificate in Clinical and Translational Science
Mentor: Dr. Rainbo Hultman (Molecular Physiology and Biophysics)

Stress Resilience in Amygdala Cellular Subpopulation

98.  Zachary Vig
Majors: Physics, Geosciences
Mentor: Dr. Emily Finzel (Earth and Environmental Sciences)

Machine Learning Assisted Geochemical Provenance of Carbonate Conglomerate Clasts in the Cretaceous Beaverhead Group of Southwestern Montana

100.  Grace Williamson
Major: Chemical and Biochemical Engineering
Minor: Chemistry
Mentor: Drs. Jennifer Fiegel (Chemical and Biochemical Engineering), Nicole Brogden (Pharmaceutical Sciences and Experimental Therapeutics)

Hydrophobic Drug Loading into Thermosensitive Hydrogels Impacts Rheological Properties

102.  Evita Woolsey
Major: Speech and Hearing Science, American Sign Language
Mentor: Dr. Bob McMurray (Psychological and Brain Sciences)

Learning to Read Despite Auditory Challenge: Real-time Word Recognition in Cochlear Implant Users

104.  Noah Wright
Major: Economics, Political Science
Minor: Psychology
Mentor: Dr. Julia Garlick (Tippie College of Business)

Crime and compensation