Seth Frerking
I work in the Industrial and Systems Engineering Research Lab in conjunction with the Iowa Lions Eye Bank to develop a more effective method for cornea extractions. I work as a Biomedical engineering research assistant under Professor Geb Thomas and Dr. Christopher Sales (Ophthalmology), we are working on developing new devices and procedures. We hope our research will reduce tissue rejection rates and make it easier for patients to get suitable transplants.
I have always had more questions than answers, and I have always wanted to try and tackle sometimes overwhelmingly complex problems. Research has helped me develop the skills and knowledge necessary to try and find these answers, and has taught me how to approach these problems. Research allows me be to be creative and curious in an environment where my efforts have the potential to really help people. Initially I was interested because research offered me the chance to get some hands on learning, and to learn a lot more about something that interested me outside of the standard course work. But research has become something that I genuinely love doing and I has helped me develop a passion for something I never knew I would love.
Outside of research, I love spending as much time outdoors as I can. Be that climbing, running, or Backpacking. When I find the time I also love to work with my hands. Specifically I love to Blacksmith and woodwork, but while I am on campus I embroider and paint. I also am involved in Robotics at Iowa and I am and executive for the Nexus Artineers.