Seren Castellano
Currently I work in the Neiman Lab studying the evolution of sex in New Zealand freshwater snails and am working on a project that involves studying the sleep behaviors of these snails. I also am a part of the Biological Anthropology lab in the Department of Anthropology where I study polyomaviridae and track their evolutionary history and pathways through phylogenetic approaches.
I love meeting new people and talking to them about research because I am so passionate about what I do and want to spread this information to any student who wants to get involved and connect them with the best resources to get started. I also got involved in research because I was passionate in learning genetics in both a biological and anthropological context and hope to study both these fields together and earn a PhD in the future!
When I am not working on my research, I love watching movies, going on walks, and spending time with friends. I am also involved in Anthropology Club, SACNAS, and PGLC as well.