Radha Velamuri
Brief description of research: I have worked in the Hultman Lab since Fall of 2019 and I became came involved with ICRU during this past summer. My ICRU project was to study genetic markers in the amygdala to identify possible cell types that exacerbate MDD phenotypes in stress-susceptible mice. In general, the Hultman Lab researches networks of electrical activity in the brain to identify the cellular and molecular factors that promote healthy electrical activity.
I enjoy research because it pushes me outside of my comfort zone. There is often a time when I feel uneasy or challenged, but regardless of the outcome there is always learning involved. It has also provided a platform to make meaningful connections and build a network for the future. I think one of my favorite memories so far has been my interview before I joined the lab itself. My mentor and I talked for an hour and a half and the conversations continued with other people in the lab even after the interview. I immediately felt comfortable in the Hultman Lab because of this experience! Other than research, I sing and am the music director in Iowa Agni Acapella and I volunteer for the Pen Pal program with Iowa City 4th graders. I enjoy arts and crafts and reading a good book any day!