Lauren McNally
I am an undergraduate research assistant in the Coleman Laboratory at the Carver College of Medicine. The Coleman Laboratory is in the Department of Orthopedics and Rehabilitation and is part of the Free Radical and Radiation Biology Program. My research focuses on the impact of chemicals used to treat mechanically inflicted musculoskeletal injuries. I examine the impact of carbon monoxide foam on preventing and healing musculoskeletal injuries, and I concentrate on the connective tissues, such as synovium and cartilage, in the patellofemoral joint. My methods include confocal microscopy, tissue culture, and live cell staining.
The main reason I got into research was my interest in orthopedic-based research. I am a pre-medicine student with ambitions of becoming an orthopedic surgeon, which also sparked my interest in the clinical and translational applications of research. My involvement in research allows me to pursue a certificate in clinical and translational science. Additionally, I participate in research to earn experiential learning credits for the honors program.
I am in the honors program pursuing a bachelor of science in biology on the integrated biology track, a minor in chemistry, a minor in environmental science focusing on chemical science, and a certificate in clinical and translational science on the pre-medicine track. I am involved in the student organizations BIO, MEDICUS, and WiSA, and I’m a Student Ambassador for the Biology Department. Outside of academics and my occupations, I enjoy spending time with my dogs, a Siberian Husky and Malamute-German Shepard mix. I also love traveling and spending time with family and friends!