Breadcrumb Home News Poster Presentations Wednesday, July 12, 2023 Poster Design Standard size of posters are 4ft (width) x 3ft (height)- If using PowerPoint select 4:3 Ratio for Slide Size, or set custom slide size at 48 inches width by 36 inches height. You can set a custom slide size in the Design tab. Downloadable templates Check within your lab to see if anyone has a poster presentation template. See resources below for additional information. Poster Printing Check with your lab for which campus services they typically use Confirm how the printing will be paid for Funding Acknowledgements Make sure to acknowledge the source that is paying for your summer undergraduate research experience on your poster. Resources Creating Effective Posters Poster Presentation Tips Poster Presentation - Undergraduate Research (MSU) How to Create a Research Poster (NYU) HerwaLDT ICAAC Presentation-2_DesigningReadablePosters.pdf