Pedro Marra
I have been working with Dr. Shinozaki in the Department of Psychiatry since the end of 2019. The lab’s primary goal is to implement an EEG device in the clinical setting that detects delirium. Besides analyzing EEG data, I have also worked on projects related to sepsis (since sepsis diagnostic criteria include altered mental status) and metformin (by looking into this diabetic drug’s potential epigenetic effects, and how it can affect longevity).
I have been able to work as an undergraduate research assistant because of ICRU’s research fellowships, and I have been able to present my work at ICRU’s research festivals.
I find research fulfilling because I have the chance– which may or may not ever come to fruition– to impact medical practice and improve patient care. Working alongside other lab members who share the same goal is also really fun!
In my free time, I like to read fantasy books and manga and watch anime. Someday I hope to watch anime without subtitles and read manga in Japanese.