Tuesday, January 28, 2025

Mentor:  Maurine Neiman

Project Position and Details
The Neiman lab uses a variety of conceptual approaches, tools, and methods to study various questions involving the evolution of sexual reproduction, often by studying a small New Zealand snail species that is a powerful model system for the study of sex. We also use the snails to address other topics, including the consequences of plastic pollution, effects of temperature change on learning and memory, and how nutrient availability might influence genome evolution. We also engage in science outreach activities around the Iowa City community.

We don’t have a specific opening for specific project available right now, but curious, positive, and team-oriented students interested in any of these topics should reach out to Dr. Neiman to discuss potential opportunities. There are always ways for motivated and inquisitive undergraduates to contribute!

Minimum 3.0 GPA

Time Commitment
10 hours/week 

Academic Credit

Ongoing, Potential to be a continuous position.

Application Instructions 
Email Dr. Maurine Neiman maurine-neiman@uiowa.edu