Human Rights in Context Project
Tuesday, January 28, 2025

Our work on human rights is done through a holistic approach, incorporating insight from a plurality of disciplines. Students will be able to choose from several options, all of which will enable them to learn and conduct research on human rights.

1. Academic credit: Student can take the Independent Study course "Internship: Rights & Remedial Justice" (RELS:4930) during spring and fall semesters. Students may enroll in 1-3 s.h. to undertake a research project focusing on specific research question developed in collaboration with Prof. Souaiaia resulting in the publication of a research note on the topic.

2. Paid Internship: A limited number of paid internship positions are available fall, spring, and summer terms. Interns will edit published content (Digital Archive), research and publish research notes, review works of scholarship in human rights, and draft essays answering questions posted on the Human Rights in Context Digital Platform.

3.  Other: Students with background in applied sciences, lived experiences, and arts who can apply their unique insight and skills to the topic of human rights may inquire with proposals on how their work can contribute to our understanding of human rights.


Students should have a strong interest in the topic of human rights both as an area of inquiry and as norms and lived experiences. Students will be able to apply their knowledge as well as learn new perspectives and consider the ways human rights might apply to their vocational interests, developing a critical proficiency in human rights in an increasingly complex and interconnected world.

Students from arts and humanities, social sciences, natural sciences, computational and abstract sciences, and any other area of inquiry are welcome to inquire.


pay starts at $15/hour or fixed stipend per project

Students enrolled in the Independent Study course (RELS:4930:0IND) are not paid. However, a student may apply for the paid internship (when funding is available), and enroll in the independent study course during the same semester.

Start Date

For students wishing to enroll in the Internship course, enrolment must take place no later than the third week of the semester.

Consideration for the hourly work option is ongoing depending on the availability of funds. 


How to Apply

Interested students should email