Wednesday, January 29, 2025
Project and Position Details
We are looking for motivated students with a strong interest in research as a career, and eager to gain skills in molecular biology, fungal genetics and bioinformatic data analysis. Research projects in the lab span a wide range of topics, but are mostly focused on understanding the evolution of stress response regulation in a group of yeast species. This group includes several opportunistic pathogens that based on our preliminary data have rewired their stress response networks.

* Current projects include
- evolution of oxidative stress resistance and gene regulation
- within species variation in oxidative stress resistance and its correlation with macrophage survival
- evolution of phosphate starvation response, focusing on the computational analysis of multi-species transcriptomics data
- between species variation in response to phosphate limitation, cell cycle arrest

* Responsibilities
- Each member of the lab will take on a small lab job, e.g., cleaning cuvettes
- Expect to spend 3 hours in the lab to learn techniques and read papers
- Attend weekly lab meetings and journal clubs
- Identify suitable projects and start independent research with the help of the PI
- Knowledge of genes, transcriptional regulation, basics of chemistry lab skills
- Strong interest and motivation to be engaged in biological research
- Interest in evolutionary genetics and how microorganisms / gene regulation evolves is a plus
- Basic quantitative skills, e.g., can perform dilution calculations and willing to learn computational data analysis 
Time Commitment
4 hours at the beginning, increasing as experience grows
Volunteer (Optional registration for URES:3992, 0-credit transcript recognition)
Academic Credit (1-4 Semester Hours)
Start Date
Near future, Spring semester, Summer semester
Ongoing, potential to be a continuous position
Application Instructions
please directly email Bin at
Duration of Listing