Wednesday, March 20, 2024


Travel Award Tara Joiner

Tara Joiner (pictured right) went to the Interior Design Show (IDS) Toronto from January 23-26."I went with Monica Correia, my research mentor, as well as the University of Iowa 3d Design program to display work in a group exhibition. I had never been to an exhibition like this before, so I learned a lot about how to professionally present design work, as well as how to talk about my work to people in the industry as well as the public. I helped set up both booths and make showcards for them as well. Overall, it was a very valuable experience for me to make connections in the industry and gain exhibition experience."


Thomas Anderson

Thomas Anderson (pictured to the right) traveled to Houston, TX to present his geology research at the 2024 Lunar and Planetary Science Conference: "I was able to present my findings on the petrology and stratigraphy of the Séítah unit within Jezero Crater, Mars and receive feedback and support from industry professionals which I will use in strengthening future research projects." 


Other Student Travel Award Recipients:

"Presenting at the Summit gave me the opportunity to discuss my

Cassandra Smith as APS

research with diverse groups of scientists who shared their excitement, curiosity, and suggestions for my future research endeavors. This valuable travel experience has helped me connect to the wider scientific community, and I can’t wait to get back to the lab and continue my research!" - Cassandra Smith, who traveled to Long Beach, California to present at the 2024 American Physiology Summit


"This eye-opening experience gave me the chance to share my research with the greater biomedical community... and provided me with unique perspectives, applications, and future steps," - Jatin Dhamrait, a Biomedical Engineering major who presented at the Biomedical Engineering Society's Annual Meeting in Seattle, WA.



Elizabeth Wetzel Presenting

"I am incredibly grateful that OUR was able to provide me with some funding to attend the conference. I met several incredible physiologists that are pioneers in our field with new techniques and ground-breaking papers." - Elizabeth Wetzel, who traveled to Long Beach, California to present at the 2024 American Physiology Summit



"Attending the SACNAS NDiSTEM conference was a really rewarding experience where I got to meet so many new people and experienced research outside of the lab that can prepare me for my future goals and career," - Seren Castellano, a Biology and Anthropology double major, who presented at the National Diversity in STEM Conference in Portland, Oregon.


For those who have traveled with our Student Travel Awards, make sure to let us know about your experience! We might highlight or feature you on our website, social media, and newsletter!

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