A row of presenters explain their research at FURF, located on the 2nd floor of the University Capitol Center.
Jasmin Mendoza explains her research on the role of RNA polymerase on herpesvirus to an eager audience.
Parker Kaminski displays his poster and an example of the mechanical ventilator he has developed.
Veena Kappaganthu shares her analysis into music-making in Southern India.
Yiming Liu, Ruth Bropleh, and Gabby Dennis present their investigations into the mechanism of anesthesia in snail lineages from New Zealand.
Ethan Bley, an OUR Fellow, Supply Grant awardee, and Travel Grant awardee, displays his research on trilobite fossils in Iowa.
Isabella Cesarz answers questions over her studies of the Tnfsf8 gene in viral infections.
Joy Curry exhibits her poster, discussing the role of stays in the society of premodern England.
OUR ambassador Abby Myroth poses at the popcorn machine!