Tuesday, July 11, 2023

Research Topic

Strack's lab studies (1) the biochemistry of protein phosphatase 2A and (2) underlying mechanisms of mutations in protein phosphatase 2A that cause neurodevelopmental disorders. We utilize both cellular and mouse models in the lab. Our lab is looking for

Project and Position Details

Strack's lab is looking for a work-study qualified student. The student will be responsible for general lab maintenance, with some of the duties include but not limited to making solutions/buffers, washing and autoclaving dishes, DNA purifications, making gels, cell culture, genotyping and mice handling. Research opportunities are also available.


Undergraduate student that is meticulous, reliable and well-organized. Science major is preferred

Time Commitment

flexible 10-20 hours



Start Date

Fall semester


Ongoing, potential to be a continuous position

Application Instructions

Interested students should send their resume to chianju-jong@uiowa.edu by September 1st, 2023