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1. Noah Andrys
Investigating the Effects of Acid-Sensing Ion Channels after Opioid Withdrawal
Major: Interdepartmental Studies (Health Sciences)
Graduation: Spring 2023
Mentor: Dr. John Wemmie (Psychiatry)
3. Nafisa Kamal Ayntee
Reproductive Health of Rohingya Refugee Women in Bangladesh before and after COVID-19 Pandemic
Major: Global Health Studies
Graduation: Spring 2023
Mentor: Dr. Waltraud Maierhofer (Global Health Studies)
5. Hannah Back
Remote Detection of Harmful Algal Blooms
Major: Data Science
Graduation: Spring 2024
Mentor: Dr. Susan Meerdink (Geographical and Sustainability Sciences)
7. Delaney Behning; Yunseo Ki; Reese Bobitt; Patrick Johnson
Addressing the Issues of PFAS in Iowa's Waterways
Majors: Political Science, Ethics and Public Policy; Political Science, Ethics and Public Policy; Political Science; Political Science, Economics
Graduation: Fall 2024; Spring 2024; Spring 2023; Spring 2023
Mentor: Dr. Nicholas Martini (Political Science)
9. Rey Bernhard
Task-Switching: The role of associative interference in pigeons
Major: Neuroscience
Graduation: Spring 2025
Mentors: Drs. Leyre Castro Ruiz and Ed Wasserman (Psychological and Brain Sciences)
11. Faith Bibeau
The influence of phosphorus availability on growth in conspecifics that vary in nuclear genome DNA content
Major: Biology
Graduation: Spring 2025
Mentor: Dr. Maurine Neiman (Biology)
13. Brianna Blaine
Sex-Specific Behavioral Abnormalities in the RGS2 Knockout Model of Psycho-Obstetric Risk
Major: Human Physiology
Graduation: May 2025
Mentors: Drs. Serena Banu Gumusoglu and Mark Santillan (Obstetrics and Gynecology)
15. Josie Bliss
Effects of Water Conditions on Oyster Settlement and Growth
Major: Biology
Graduation: Summer 2023
17. Solange Bolger
College Men's Sexual Consent Beliefs: Links to Sexual Aggression
Major: Psychology
Graduation: Spring 2023
Mentor: Dr. Teresa Treat (Psychological and Brain Sciences)
19. Kathryn Cochrane
Exploration of impact delta-1 glutamate receptors have on social interaction in mice
Major: Biology
Graduation: Spring 2024
Mentor: Dr. Stephanie Gantz (Molecular Physiology and Biophysics)
21. Melissa Cronnolly
Conversation Study
Major: Speech and Hearing Science
Graduation: Spring 2023
Mentor: Drs. Si On Yoon and Stewart McCauley (Communication Sciences and Disorders)
23. Megan Dao
Validation of Weight-Bearing Computed Tomography for the Assessment of Achilles Tendon Pathology
Major: Biomedical Engineering
Graduation: Spring 2023
Mentor: Dr. Ruth Chimenti (Physical Therapy and Rehabilitation Science)
25. Victoria Deters
"Put it in Layman's Terms": How Health Narratives can Heal Communication Between Breast Cancer Patients and Physicians
Major: Biomedical Sciences
Graduation: Spring 2024
Mentor: Dr. Kristine Munoz (Spanish and Portuguese)
27. Samantha Eberly
Separation Techniques for Calcareous Nannofossils from Goban Spur: Western Rift Margin of Ireland
Major: Geoscience
Graduation: Fall 2023
Mentor: Dr. Shamar Chin (Earth and Environmental Science)
29. Sadie Eggmann
Sex Differences of APOE in the prefrontal cortex of patients with Major Depressive Disorder
Major: Neuroscience
Graduation: Spring 2023
Mentors: Dr. Li-Chun (Queena) Lin (Iowa Neuroscience Institute)
31. Rhett Ellerbroek
Junctional Zone Shrinkage from Stress in Male Placentas
Major: Biochemistry
Graduation: Spring 2026
Mentor: Dr. Hanna Stevens (Psychiatry)
33. Maddie Fitzgerald
Recruitment Demographics and Research Task Completion
Major: Public Health
Graduation: Spring 2025
Mentors: Dr. Allison Momany and Maria Thurow (Pediatrics)
35. Anissa Forero
How Can the Implementation of Health Narratives Redefine Addiction and its Treatment?
Major: Genetics and Biotechnology and Spanish
Graduation: Spring 2023
Mentor: Dr. Kristine Muñoz (Spanish and Portuguese)
37. Hope Fury
Modulating Donor T Cell Graft-Versus-Host and Graft-Versus-Tumor Reactivity by STAT6
Major: Biomedical Sciences
Graduation: Spring 2023
Mentor: Dr. Nedim Ince (Internal Medicine)
39. Katie Greiner
Finding a New Treatment for Dravet Syndrome: Phase I/II Epilepsy Clinical Trials
Major: Biology, Music
Graduation: Spring 2023
Mentor: Dr. Mary Teresi (Pediatrics)
41. Bryan Guevara
Assessing the effects of plastic exposure on sperm morphology
Major: Biology
Graduation: Spring 2023
Mentor: Dr. Maurine Neiman (Biology)
43. Kila Haney
Compensatory and Facilitative Gesture Use in People with Aphasia
Major: Speech and Hearing Science
Graduation: Spring 2023
Mentor: Dr. Jean Gordon (Communication Sciences and Disorders)
45. Eleanor Hildebrandt
Trauma informed storytelling: a need in modern day journalism education
Major: Journalism and Mass Communication, Global Health Studies
Graduation: Spring 2023
Mentor: Dr. Rachel Young (Journalism and Mass Communication)
47. Jessica Hoffeller
Partner-specific adaptation in disfluency processing in older adults
Major: Speech and Hearing Science
Graduation: Spring 2023
Mentor: Dr. Si On Yoon (Communication Sciences and Disorders)
49. Ryann Hubbart
Title: Imagining Settler Colonial Decolonization in South Africa: Debates Between African Nationalism and Non-Racialism in the Movements Against Apartheid 1940-1980
Major: Economics, International Studies
Graduation: Spring 2023
Mentor: Dr. Ari Ariel (History)
51. Mushroor Kamal
Deficient Cerebral Angiogenesis in the RGS2 Knockout Mouse
Major: Biology
Graduation: Spring 2024
Mentor: Dr. Serena Gumusoglu (Obstetrics/Gynecology)
53. Amiritha Kumar
Epigenetic Markers of Autism Using a Dimensional Approach
Major: Medical Anthropology
Graduation: Spring 2025
Mentors: Drs. Allison Momany and Lane Strathearn (Pediatrics)
55. Dana Lapinski
Effect of sleep state and time of day on postictal breathing in amygdala kindled serotonin neuron deficient mice
Major: Neuroscience
Graduation: Spring 2023
Mentor: Dr. Gordon Buchanan (Neuroscience)
57. Morgan Leach
Review of Postsecondary Intervention for Young Adults with IDD
Major: Health Studies
Graduation: Spring 2023
Mentor: Dr. Erica Kaldenberg (Education)
59. Haley Lightfoot
Novel Green Solventless Synthesis of Uranium Metal Organic Frameworks via Temperature Dependent Flux Reactions
Major: Chemistry
Graduation: Spring 2023
Mentor: Dr. Tori Forbes (Chemistry)
61. Kobie Long
Identifying Areas of Groundwater-Surface Water Exchange along Camp Cardinal Creek at Ashton Prairie Living Laboratory
Major: Environmental Science
Graduation: Spring 2024
Mentor: Dr. Benjamin Swanson (Earth and Environmental Sciences)
63. Taylor Maas
Understanding Naval Deterrence: Effects of Multilateral Trade on Naval Power and Maritime Disputes
Major: Political Science
Graduation: Spring 2024
Mentor: Dr. Brian Lai (Political Science)
65. Deeraj Manika
Inducible Deletion of OPA1 in the Heart Induces ER Stress that precedes Mitochondrial and Contractile Dysfunction
Major: Biomedical Sciences
Graduation: Spring 2024
Mentor: Dr. Jennifer Streeter (Internal Medicine)
67. Shivani Manikandan
An Investigation of the Metabotropic Glutamate Receptor 8 Binding Site
Major: Biochemistry
Graduation: Spring 2023
Mentor: Dr. Christopher Ahern (Molecular Physiology and Biophysics)
69. Maryam Mohammed; Amisha Mohanty
Characteristics of Negotiations During Civil Wars from 1980-2010
Major: International Relations; Economics, International Relations
Graduation: Spring 2025
Mentor: Dr. Brian Lai (Political Science)
71. Jessica Monday; Araceli Hernandez
Self-Compassion in Iowa Educators and Clinical & Support Staff
Major: Psychology; Psychology
Graduation: Spring 2024; Spring 2023
Mentor: Dr. Ebonee Johnson (Community and Behavioral Health)
73. Leo Moore
Conceptual Thinking Test: Investigating native-speaker and non-native speaker differences/similarities
Major: Business Analytics and Information Systems, Linguistics
Graduation: Spring 2023
Mentor: Dr. Elena Gavruseva (Linguistics)
75. Ryleigh Mulcahey
Seasonal Effects in Nutrient Loads of the Caloosahatchee Estuary
Major: Chemistry, Environmental Science
Graduation: Spring 2023
77. Asel Nasr
Postpartum body dissatisfaction: Exploring social media usage and impact on postpartum mental health in Iowa City, Iowa
Major: Global health studies, MPH
Graduation: Spring 2023
Mentor: Dr. Kara Whitaker (Health and human physiology)
79. Miriam Ochs
Wonderful Things of God: 17th century Scribal Culture and the Scientific Pursuit of the Philosopher’s Stone
Majors: History, Theater
Graduation: Spring 2023
Mentor: Dr. Elizabeth Yale (History)
81. Alexis Olson
Anatomical Substrates for Melanocortin's Control of Autonomic Neurocircuitries Regulating Cardiovascular and Metabolic Function
Major: Neuroscience
Graduation: Spring 2025
Mentors: Drs. Kamal Rahmouni and Paul Williams (Neuroscience and Pharmacology)
83. Mackenzie Pattridge
Establishment of pure primary rat astrocyte cultures to study the metabolism and toxicity of polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs)
Major: Public Health
Graduation: Spring 2023
Mentor: Dr. Hans-Joachim Lehmler (Public Health- Occupational and Environmental Health)
85. Charissa Roe
An International Exploration of Religiosity and Political Participation
Major: Political Science, International Relations, Religious Studies
Graduation: Spring 2023
Mentor: Dr. Nicholas Martini (Political Science)
87. Azzurra Sartini-Rideout
Correspondence Between Preschool Children’s Self-Reported Judgments in Hypothetical Moral Dilemmas and Objective Measures of Their Conscience
Major: Psychology, Criminology
Graduation: Spring 2024
Mentor: Dr. Grazyna Kochanska (Psychology and Brain Sciences)
89. Emma Schopen
The effects of urban and land use change on the local atmospheric pollen concentration in Eastern Iowa during ragweed season
Major: Environmental Science with a Minor in Biology and GIS
Graduation: Spring 2023
Mentor: Drs. Elizabeth Stone (Chemistry) and Heather Sander (Geographical and Sustainability Sciences)
91. Bailey Schroeder
Predictability of Injury Occurrence in Dancers by Fitness Assessment Analysis: An Ongoing Study
Major: Health Studies
Graduation: Spring 2025
Mentor: Dr. Kristin Marrs (Dance)
93. Kareem Shoukih
Understanding Mucociliary Transport Defects by Analyzing Ciliary Beat Pattern
Major: Biomedical Sciences
Graduation: Fall 2023
Mentor: Dr. Mahmoud Alaiwa (Internal Medicine)
95. Nicole Stubbe
The effect of human glucokinase mutations on insulin secretion in pancreatic beta cells
Major: Biomedical Engineering
Graduation: Spring 2023
Mentor: Dr. Samuel Stephens (Internal Medicine)
97. Jennifer Suarez
Selective C-H functionalization of Adamantane derivatives via visible light photocatalyst
Major: Chemistry
Graduation: Fall 2023
Mentor: Dr. Dave Martin (Chemistry)
99. Eric Thomas
Monitoring and Comparison of Infiltration Rates at a Restored Prairie - Ashton Prairie Living Laboratory
Major: Environmental Science
Graduation: Spring 24
Mentors: Drs. Benjamin Swanson and Kate Tierney (Earth and Environmental Sciences)
101. Alyssa Thompson
M&M: Modifiers and their Effect on Memory in Younger and Older Adults
Major: Speech and Hearing Science
Graduation: Spring 2023
Mentor: Dr. Si On Yoon (Communication Sciences and Disorder)
103. Abigail Townsend
ASIC1a deficiency leads to reduced parvalbumin reactivity in the basolateral amygdala of adult mice
Major: Neuroscience
Graduation: Spring 2025
Mentor: Dr. Hildegard Janouschek (Psychiatry)
105. Saloni Upadhyay
Spoken and Written Word Recognition in Spanish-English Bilingual Older Adults
Major: Speech and Hearing Sciences
Graduation: May 2023
Mentor: Dr. Kristi Hendrickson (Communication Sciences and Disorders)
107. Bhavya Vats
Assessing the changes in metabolism and cell proliferation of adipose-derived progenitor cells exposed to PCBs
Major: Biomedical Engineering
Graduation: Spring 2023
Mentor: Dr. James Ankrum (Department of Biomedical Engineering)
109. Rachel Walenceus
Soil Heatlh Analysis at the Ashton Prairie Living Laboratory
Major: Geoscience
Graduation: Spring 2025
Mentors: Drs. Benjamin Swanson and Bradley Cramer (Earth and Environmental Science)
111. Shannon Walsh
Investigating Internal Colonialism in Contemporary Mexican Development and implications for Indigenous Breastfeeding
Major: International Studies
Graduation: Spring 2023
Mentor: Dr. Carly Nichols (Geographical and Sustainability Sciences)
113. Katherine Westbrook
Major: Communication Sciences and Disorders
Graduation: Spring 2023
Mentor: Dr. Jean Gordon (Communication Sciences and Disorders)
115. Zoe Wynohrad
A putative proline transporter expressed in the Malpighian tubules provides resistance to lithium toxicity in Drosophila
Major: Biology
Graduation: Spring 2024
Mentor: Dr. Toshihiro Kitamoto (Anesthesia)
2. TJ Ascherl
Major: Finance
Graduation: Spring 2023
4. Danielle Baltimore
A Comparative Analysis of the Efficacy of the Safe Haven Law on Child Welfare in Iowa
Major: Economics
Graduation: Spring 2023
Mentor: Dr. Hennadige Thenuwara (Economics)
6. Avery Bandstra
The Association Between Parental Autonomy Support and Children's Attention: Investigating Negative Emotionality as a Moderator Within Differential Susceptibility Framework
Major: Psychology
Graduation: Spring 2023
Mentor: Dr. Isaac Petersen (Psychological and Brain Sciences)
8. Miranda Becker
Deriving Word Meaning from Written Contexts with Deaf and Hard of Hearing Children
Major: Speech and Hearing Sciences
Graduation: Spring 2023
Mentor: Dr. Elizabeth Walker (Communication Sciences and Disorders)
10. Ardith Bhinu
Investigation of TFE3/MITF and its effect on A375 cell migration
Major: Biochemistry
Graduation: Spring 2025
Mentor: Dr. Colin Kenny (Surgery)
12. Nya Bottley; Jaron Jones
Piloting a New Mental Health Awareness Training for K-12 Stakeholders: A Preliminary Mixed-Methods Analysis
Majors: Public Health; Public Health
Graduations: Spring 2025; Spring 2023
Mentor: Dr. Ebonee Johnson (Community and Behavioral Health)
16. Gloria Chang
Effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on children's inhibitory control: The role of sleep and negative emotionality
Major: Psychology, Finance
Graduation: Spring 2023
Mentor: Dr. Isaac Petersen (Psychological and Brain Sciences)
18. Jason Chen
Investigating the Role of Fibroblast Growth Factor 21 in Thermogenic Adipocytes for Adapative Thermogenesis
Major: Biomedical Sciences
Graduation: Spring 2023
Mentor: Dr. Renata Alambert (Internal Medicine)
20. Austin Cook
Gas-Entrapping Materials as a Method for Improved Diabetic Wound Healing
Major: Biomedical Engineering
Graduation: Spring 2024
Mentors: Drs. James Byrne and Emily Witt (Radiation Oncology, Biomedical Engineering)
22. Lily Croke
Brain Training for Better Understanding of Speech in Noise
Major: Speech and Hearing Sciences
Graduation: Spring 2023
Mentor: Dr. Inyong Choi (Communication Sciences and Disorders)
24. Mia Dukle
Effects of Different Stress Models on Immune Gene Expression in the Mouse Placenta
Major: Biomedical Sciences, Bioinformatics
Graduation: Spring 2026
Mentor: Drs. Hanna Stevens and Sara Maurer (Psychiatry)
26. Harper Dunne
We Looked at 6,795 Articles So You Didn’t Have To: A Scoping Review of Studies Investigating MSS (Multisensory Sensitivity) in Pain Populations
Majors: Spanish, Global Health Studies
Graduation: Fall 2024
Mentor: Dr. Laura Frey Law (Physical Therapy and Rehabilitation)
28. Jacob Fisher
Radiotherapy Causes Time-Dependent Oxidative Stress During Arthrofibrosis
Major: Human Physiology
Graduation: Spring 2024
Mentor: Dr. Mitchell Coleman (Radiation Oncology)
30. Daniel Fu
RGS6 mediates exercise-induced rescue of impaired cognition and hippocampal neurogenesis in mice with Alzheimer's disease.
Major: Biomedical Sciences
Graduation: Spring 2023
Mentor: Dr. Rory Fisher (Neuroscience and Pharmacology)
32. Marissa Good; Selveyah Gamblin
Visualizing the Flint Water Crisis
Majors: Sociology, Political Science, Ethics and Public Policy; Political Science
Graduations: Spring 2023; Spring 2023
Mentor: Dr. Louise Seamster (Sociology)
34. Ryan Grandgenett
Effects of Phosphorylation Resistant Perilipin 5 on Mouse Heart, Liver, and Pancreas
Major: Biomedical Science
Graduation: Spring 2023
Mentor: Dr. Yumi Imai (Internal medicine)
36. Jawad Haider
Identification of host pathways targeted by the Chlamydia trachomatis effector protein CT392 using a yeast suppressor screen
Major: Microbiology
Graduation: Spring 2025
Mentor: Dr. Mary Weber and Parker Smith (Microbiology)
40. Annabel Hendrickson; Pearl Tyler
Analysis at the Abbie Gardner Sharp Cabin (Site 13DK9)
Majors: Anthropology; Anthropology
Graduations: Spring 2024; Spring 2025
Mentor: Dr. John Doershuk (Office of the State Archaeologist)
42. Eleanor Hildebrandt
The effects of German media tone and language during the COVID-19 pandemic on audiences
Majors: Journalism and Mass Communication, Global Health Studies
Graduation: Spring 2023
Mentor: Dr. Rachel Young (Journalism and Mass Communication)
44. Ben Hinz
Fruit flies on drugs: Screening to mitigate skeletal muscle disease
Major: Biomedical Engineering
Graduation: Spring 2023
Mentor: Dr. Lori Wallrath (Biochemistry and Molecular Biology)
46. Paige Ho
The Effect of Personalized Social Media Ads on Consumer Behavior
Major: Marketing, Journalism and Mass Communication
Graduation: May 2023
Mentors: Drs. Bowen Ruan and Minjee Sun (Marketing)
48. Jane Holish; Payton Riley; Shivani Patel; Caleb Slater
Should Iowa Revisit its Policies Around the Use of Cannabis?
Majors: Political Science, Social Justice, Writing; Ethics and Public Policy, Political Science; Policital Science, Philosophy; Political Science
Graduations: Spring 2023; Spring 2023; Spring 2025; Spring 2023
Mentor: Dr. Nicholas Martini (Political Science)
50. Payton Jaeger
The Pathophysiology of Attention-deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, Parkinson's Disease, & Lewy Body Dementia
Major: Interdepartmental Sciences
Graduation: Fall 2023
Mentor: Dr. Li-Chun (Queena) Lin (Iowa Neuroscience Institute)
52. Maneesh John
Monotone model-based deep learning using non-monotone operators
Major: Computer Science and Engineering
Graduation: Spring 2023
Mentor: Dr. Mathews Jacob (Electrical and Computer Engineering)
54. Eleanor Johnson
Predicting Endometrial Cancer Tumor Evasion Mechanisms by Identifying SETDB1 Methylated Genes
Major: Biomedical Sciences
Graduation: Spring 2025
Mentor: Dr. Shujie Yang (Pathology)
56. Emily Kalmanek
Role of Obesity in Cancer Cachexia
Major: Human Physiology
Graduation: Spring 2023
Mentor: Dr. Erin Talbert (Health and Human Physiology)
58. Scott Kerno
The Impact of Automation Technology on Trucking Labor
Major: Economics
Graduation: Spring 2023
Mentor: Dr. Sarah Frank (Economics)
60. Sarah King; Claire Graham
Investigating Cu-ATSM as a novel treatment for pediatric brain cancer
Major: Biomedical Sciences; Biomedical Engineering
Graduation: Spring 2024; Spring 2025
Mentor: Dr. Michelle Howard (Radiation Oncology)
62. Raegan Krumboltz
Perceived Stress Across Pregnancy in Rural and Urban Populations
Major: Health Promotion
Graduation: Spring 2024
Mentor: Dr. Kara Whitaker (Health and Human Physiology)
66. Connor Linzer
Role of Microproteins in Cancer Development
Major: Human Physiology
Graduation: Spring 2024
Mentor: Dr. Ryan Boudreau (Internal Medicine)
68. Madalyn Lovejoy
Rape-Supportive Attitudes among Heterosexual and Sexual Minority College Students
Majors: Psychology, Gender, Women's, and Sexuality Studies
Graduation: Spring 2024
Mentor: Dr. Teresa Treat (Psychology and Brain Sciences)
70. Cara Lundy
The Effect of Activity Level on Severity of Perceived Fatigue and Motor Function in People with Multiple Sclerosis (MS)
Major: Interdepartmental Studies
Graduation: Spring 2023
Mentors: Drs. Warren Darling (Health and Human Physiology) and Terry Wahls (Internal Medicine)
72. Wanzhi Lyu
Sequential Analyses Reveal That Action Effects Affect Response Selection Processes
Major: Psychology
Graduation: Spring 2023
Mentor: Dr. Eliot Hazeltine (Psychological and Brain Sciences)
74. Gillian Marbury
"The Very Special Dead": Heroes and Saints as Intermediary Figures of Antiquity
Major: Ancient Civilization, Classical Languages
Graduation: Spring 2023
Mentors: Drs. Paul Dilley and Debra Trusty (Classics)
76. Karsten Martin
Analyzing the Impact of Instructional Setting on Student Discourse
Major: Human Physiology
Graduation: Spring 2023
Mentor: Dr. Renee Cole (Chemistry)
78. Emma Menke
TNF Receptor Associated Factor 3 critically regulates CD8+ T cell development and function
Major: Microbiology
Graduation: Fall 2023
Mentor: Dr. Noah Butler (Microbiology and Immunology)
80. Klayre Michel
Modeling the role of memory limitations in shaping young children's language abilities
Major: Speech and Hearing Science
Graduation: Spring 2023
Mentor: Dr. Stewart McCauley (Communication Sciences and Disorders)
82. Rachel Moore
Investigating the relationship between TFE3 and invasive melanoma through drug resistance.
Major: Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
Graduation: Spring 2023
Mentor: Dr. Colin Kenny (Surgery)
84. Lauren Philips
The Weaponization of Soft Power: Qatar’s Use of Aljazeera as a Public Diplomacy Platform in the Case of Yemen
Majors: International Studies, French
Graduation: Spring 2023
Mentor: Dr. Ahmed Souaiaia (Religious Studies)
86. Ashley Rhodes
Novel Gas Entrapping Materials to Improve Treatment of Solid Tumors
Major: Biomedical Engineering
Graduation: Spring 2024
Mentors: Drs. James Byrne and Emily Witt (Radiation Oncology, Biomedical Engineering)
88. Maclain Ridder
Inhibition of serotonin biosynthesis in neuroendocrine neoplasm suppresses tumor growth in vivo
Major: Human Physiology
Graduation: Spring 2024
Mentor: Dr. Po Hien Ear (Surgery)
90. Bhavana Sirimalle
Genetic basis for variations in susceptibility to lithium toxicity: A preliminary study with the Drosophila Genetic Reference Panel (DGRP)
Major: Microbiology
Graduation: Spring 2023
Mentor: Dr. Toshihiro Kitamoto (Anesthesia, Neuroscience and Pharmacology)
92. Zachary Springer
Economic Risk Preferences and Recreational Choice
Major: Economics, Political Science
Graduation: Spring 2023
Mentor: Dr. Hennedige Thenuwara (Economics)
94. Clara Stuedemann
Photostable Cocrystal Polymorph of Anticancer 5-Fluorouracil
Major: Chemistry
Graduation: Spring 2023
Mentor: Dr. Leonard MacGillivray (Chemistry)
96. Sanmati Thangavel; Joshua Peterson
Er-stress and Metabolism Regulation in Mice with Skeletal Muscle Knock Down of DRP1
Major: Human Physiology; Biology, Biochemistry
Graduation: Spring 2024; Spring 2023
Mentor: Dr. Marcelo Correia (Internal Medicine)
98. Wil Voelker
Analysis of Demographics and Representation in Percussion Composition at the University of Iowa
Major: Percussion Performance
Graduation: Spring 2023
Mentor: Dr. Dan Moore (Music)
100. Elizabeth Walker
Comparing the effects of the Wahls VS Swank Diets on Sleep Quality and Perceived Stress Levels in People with Relapsing Remitting Multiple Sclerosis
Major: Biomedical Science, Neuroscience
Graduation: Spring 2024
Mentor: Dr. Terry Wahls (Department of Internal Medicine)
102. Matthew Wells
SETDB1 Promotes Tumor Growth Through Macrophage Suppression
Major: Human Physiology
Graduation: Spring 2023
Mentor: Dr. Shujie Yang (Pathology)
104. Rachel White
Middle Ear Muscle Reflex in Human Listeners
Major: Speech and Hearing Sciences
Graduation: Spring 2024
Mentor: Dr. Shawn Goodman (Communication Sciences and Disorders)
106. Sam Wilson Hoff
Major: 3D Design
Graduation: Spring 2024
Mentor: Dr. Vakhtangi Darjania (3D Design)
108. Mizuki Wittmer
Relationships between small mammals and their predators across an urban landscape
Major: Environmental Science, Spanish
Graduation: Spring 2023
Mentor: Dr. Heather Sander (Geographical and Sustainability Sciences)
110. Yushan Yao
Impact of Monetary Policy on Corn and Soybean Market
Major: Economics, Psychology
Graduation: Spring 2023
Mentor: Dr. Hennadige Thenuwara (Economics)