Position Details
This position is part of the University of Iowa's Material Analysis, Testing, and Fabrication (MATFab) facility, which houses cutting-edge equipment for nanofabrication. You will have the opportunity to work with University of Iowa staff members to learn how to work in a cleanroom environment and utilize equipment for nanofabrication. There will be opportunities to learn how to maintain and troubleshoot instrumentation and develop skills in electronics, equipment repair, and machining. Instruments within the facility are used in the fabrication of semiconductors and optics, providing hands on training for those technology sectors. Previous undergraduate students who have worked in the MATFab facility have been able to translate these skills into industrial positions (Intel) and graduate programs in engineering.
Engineering or physical science background preferred. Hands-on experience with repairs, machining, or vacuum systems is desired, but not required. Willingness to learn new things and work in a team environment is required.
Time Commitment
5-15 hours per week
Start Date
Near future
Spring semester
Project Duration
Ongoing or potential to be a continuous position
Academic Credit
How to Apply
Please send an email to Professor Tori Forbes (tori-forbes@uiowa.edu), MATFab director, that includes a paragraph explaining interest in the position. Also include a resume as an attachment to the email.