For the love of learning! These are all free, online courses that you can access to keep your mind sharp over breaks. Anything that you've ever been curious about? Just read here!
Citizen Science Research Opportunities (Engage in Science Research)
Participate in crowd-sourced research when and where you can. These projects are all recruiting volunteers to help collect and contribute data.
Harvard University Online Courses (Everything)
Course topics run the gamut from STEM to Business, Arts to Humanities - anything you could want!
JAX Mini Courses and Certificates (Animal Models and Genetics)
For advanced undergraduates and beyond, these courses are for science students interested in topics like animal models, genes and environment, genomic editing, etc.
GraphPad Prism Academy (Data Analysis and Graphs)
Become a pro using Prism for data analysis and graph creation.
Science Education videos that focus on laboratory techniques for beginners and advanced researchers. Free through June 15 to everyone, also available through the University of Iowa Libraries.
edX Data Science Courses (Statistics, Excel, Business Analytics, Programming)
Find courses from Harvard, MIT, etc on topics such as probability and statistics, Excel and Business Analytics, Python, and R.
Coursera "R Courses"
Learn R, a statistics programming language that is ideal for disciplines such as great for biology, from host institutions like Johns Hopkins and Duke.