Paige Ho displays her poster, The Effect of Personalized Social Media Ads on Consumer Behavior
Zachary Springer explains his research into Economic Risk Preferences and Recreational Choice
Bryan Guevara stands in front of his poster, Assessing the effects of plastic exposure on sperm morphology
Scott Kerno discusses The Impact of Automation Technology on Trucking Labor
Sam Wilson Hoff presents his work in the Iterative Design Process
Marissa Good and Selveyah Gamblin present their work on Visualizing the Flint Water Crisis
Alyssa Thompson with her investigation into M&M: Modifiers and their Effect on Memory in Younger and Older Adults
Bhavana Sirimalle discusses her studies of Genetic basis for variations in susceptibility to lithium toxicity: A preliminary study with the Drosophila Genetic Reference Panel (DGRP)
Gloria Chang exhibits her research project, Effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on children's inhibitory control: The role of sleep and negative emotionality
Kareem Shoukih describes Understanding Mucociliary Transport Defects by Analyzing Ciliary Beat Pattern
Mizuki Wittmer elaborates on Relationships between small mammals and their predators across an urban landscape
Miranda Becker and friends in front of her poster, Deriving Word Meaning from Written Contexts with Deaf and Hard of Hearing Children
Daniel Fu with his investigation into how RGS6 mediates exercise-induced rescue of impaired cognition and hippocampal neurogenesis in mice with Alzheimer's disease.
Eric Thomas presents his research into Monitoring and Comparison of Infiltration Rates at a Restored Prairie - Ashton Prairie Living Laboratory