Monday, February 6, 2023

Project details
Our group focuses on trying to understand why seizures are sometimes fatal. We are especially interested in why this tends to occur at night during sleep. We use a range of mouse models and experimental paradigms.

A variety of opportunities are available to undergraduate research students, including but not limited to experience with animal handling, stereotaxic survival surgery, intracardiac perfusion, genotyping, tissue slicing, immunohistochemistry, fluorescence microscopy, microdialysis, in vivo electrophysiologic recording, whole body plethysmography for breathing assessment, optogenetics, fiber photometry, seizure induction methods, sleep-wake assessments, and sampling circadian behavior activity. Students will also receive instruction in the scientific method, experimental design, data and statistical analyses, and scientific communication. Students will initially work with grad student, postdoc, or RA in the lab. Depending on skill and interest, the lab work may develop into an independent project. Several students have done this is the past and have presented posters, co-authored papers, and completed theses in the lab.


Preference will be given to applicants who can commit at least 10 hours a week to the lab. Past research experience is a plus, but not required.

Time Commitment
10 hours/week

Academic Credit

Start Date

Ongoing, potential to be a continuous position

Apply By
May 31, 2023

How to apply
Interested applicants should send a brief description of research interest/future plans (2-3 sentences) and a resume or CV to