Project details
This position is aimed at developing image processing algorithms, to help determine the effects of radiation on normal tissues exposed during cancer therapy. We have collected images of blood flow and small blood vessels in the eyes of patients treated for ocular melanoma at UIHC and are interested in developing processing and registration methods to analyze changes over time after radiation exposure. This will help us understand how patients respond to radiation, with the goal of developing new methods for preventing radiation damage to healthy tissues. This work is highly translational and will help address an important question in radiation oncology. Students will be mentored by investigators in Internal Medicine and Ophthalmology, with opportunities to learn about cardiovascular science, vision science, human subjects research, and the exciting role engineers play in the clinical research pipeline. Depending on their productivity, the project will result in a conference presentation and/or authorship on related manuscripts. For College of Engineering students, we may discuss translation of this to your senior design project.
No prior research experience is required; preference given for familiarity with MatLab, Python, or R
Time Commitment
10+ hours per week, depending on availability
To be determined
Start Date
To be determined
Ongoing, potential to be a continuous position
How to apply
Please send CV/resume, unofficial transcript (or grade report), and statement of interest to Dr. Michelle Tamplin at