Monday, April 25, 2022

Project details
The research performed in the Dunnwald lab aims at elucidating mechanisms of epithelial cell adhesion and migration in the context of skin repair (wound healing) and craniofacial development (cleft lip and palate). The lab uses a variety of models, including mice and cell culture, and a wide variety of techniques, including microscopy, biochemistry, histology and immunofluorescence.

This position is aimed at assisting the research in a collaborative environment. The duties include: DNA prep and PCR for genotyping; histology and microscopy; keeping detailed written and organized records of experimental design and protocols; and shared responsibility for general upkeep of lab. You will work directly with staff and graduate students while learning more about the projects via lab meetings and presentations.

There is opportunity to conduct honor theses if the student’s research interest aligns with the goals of our lab and they demonstrate commitment and excellence.

We do fun science in a friendly environment and we want you to come and help us.


We seek mature, reliable, motivated, curious and diligent students who are eager to develop and hone their research skills. Students with strong work ethic, excellent organization skills are encouraged to apply. Courses in biology are preferred, but not required.

Time Commitment
Academic semester, 10-20h/week; Summer semester, 20-30h/week

Academic credit
To be determined

Start Date
Summer semester
To be determined

Ongoing, potential to be a continuous position

How to apply
Email with cover letter including why you are interested in the position, current resume and hours available