Friday, June 4, 2021

Project and Position Details

Research in the Becker group involves qualitative research techniques to reason about how people learn chemistry and how chemistry is taught. We are seeking two undergraduate students to join our lab beginning summer 2021, with the possibility of continuing work into the academic year.

One project focuses on the role of chemical phenomena during chemistry instruction across three different institutions. Using ideas from the Next Generation Science Standards, this work aims to identify how chemical phenomena are centered within chemistry courses and how students explain relevant phenomena. Specifically, we are interested in students’ ideas about dissolution (a solid dissolving in water) and colligative properties (boiling point differences because of intermolecular forces). The research assistant will collaborate with a graduate student to analyze student responses to chemistry tasks and examine the nature of curricular tasks.

A second project focuses on the way in which students in organic chemistry reason about various mechanistic processes, such as SN1, SN2 E1, and E2 reactions. As part of this work, you will collaborate with a graduate student on task that include interview transcription, collaborative coding, and development of descriptive themes supported by the interview data.

All research assistants will gain valuable experience with educational research while utilizing knowledge of chemistry. Attendance at weekly research group meetings is mandatory and the research assistant will present at one meeting during their time with the group.


  •  No prior research experience required, but preferred
  • Strong writing abilities
  • Willingness to work in a team setting
  • Principles of Chemistry experience required; additional chemistry coursework preferred

Time Commitment
~10 hr/week

Start Date
As soon as possible

Project Duration 
Summer 2021, with possibility of continuing during the 2021-2022 academic year

Academic Credit

Apply by
Applications accepted until positions are filled

How to Apply
Please fill out the following Qualtrics survey: